Using CTE with SQL Server on Linux on Red Hat 8
Considerations and Requirements
System Requirements:
SQL Server 2019. Other versions of SQL Server are not supported with CipherTrust Transparent Encryption.
Red Hat 8. Other versions of Red Hat are not supported with CipherTrust Transparent Encryption.
Other database applications may be used instead of MySQL, but Thales has only tested this feature with MySQL.
CipherTrust Transparent Encryption agent supports manual GuardPoints on a device or folder for both standalone and cluster SQL Server database. Automatic GuardPoints are supported on a standalone SQL Server database. Automatic GuardPoints are supported on a standalone SQL Server database but not for cluster SQL Server databases.
The CipherTrust Transparent Encryption resource agent supports GuardPoints created from standard or Live Data Transformation policies. It does not support IDT-Capable GuardPoints or Efficient Storage GuardPoints.
Create a CTE guarded standalone SQL Server database
Configure the target database data and log directory location as mssql, type:
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set <filelocation.defaultdatadir> /u01/app/mssql/data sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set <filelocation.defaultlogdir> /u01/app/mssql/log sudo systemctl restart mssql-server
Guard targeted directory with standard encryption policy using CS1 or CBC keys of either 128aes or 256aes encryption.
Policy Type: Standard
Rule Value Security Rules Action all_ops Effect permit, audit, applykey Key Selection Rule Key aes128 or 256 with CS1 or CBC # secfsd -status guard
:::text GP Policy Type ConfigState Status Reason ---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ------ /u01/app/mssql/data encrypt_cs1_aes128_all local guarded guarded N/A /u01/app/mssql/data encrypt_cbc_aes256_all local guarded guarded N/A
Create a target SQL Server database on a guarded directory as mssql, type:
sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<password>' CREATE DATABASE <targetdb> go
Verify that data and log files are residing in the newly designated directory:
use <targetdb> SELECT filename from sysfiles GO
Expected results: Should see data/log file in a guarded directory:
Convert a baseline SQL Server database to a CTE GuardPoint using Dataxform
Shutdown the SQL Server service, type:
# sudo systemctl stop mssql-server # systemctl status mssql-server
Create an online policy using CS1 or CBC keys of either 128aes or 256aes encryption.
Example of aes256
Policy Name:
Policy Type: Standard
Rule Value Security Rules Action key_ops Effect permit, applykey Key Selection Rule Key clear_key Data Transformation Key cbc_aes256_onhost -
Add the GuardPoint with the policy
to the targeted baseline database data/log directory, type:# secfsd -status guard
GuardPoint Policy Type ConfigState Status Reason ---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ------ /u01/app/mssql/log dxf_clear_to_cbc_aes250_onhost local guarded guarded N/A /u01/app/mssql/data dxf_clear_to_cbc_aes250_onhost local guarded guarded N/A
Run dataxform with the above policy as the root user.
dataxform --rekey --cleanup_on_success --gp /u01/app/mssql/dataxform/data dataxform --rekey --cleanup_on_success --gp /u01/app/mssql/dataxform/log
# dataxform --rekey --cleanup_on_success --gp /u01/app/mssql/dataxform/data
Checking if `/u01/app/mssql/dataxform/data` is a guard point with a rekey policy applied `/u01/app/mssql/dataxform/data` is a guard point with a rekey policy applied About to perform the requested data transform operation -- Be sure to back up your data -- Please do not attempt to terminate the application Do you wish to continue (y/n)?y . . . Data transform for guard point /data1/oracle/oradata/xformdb finished About to remove the data transformation status files Do you wish to continue (y/n)?y Removal of data transformation status files completed
Unguard GuardPoints
from policydxf_clear_to_aes256_onhost
. -
Guard these GuardPoints again with a standard policy which encrypts using the same open aes256 key policy as
.# secfsd -status guard
GuardPoint Policy Type ConfigState Status Reason ---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ------ /u01/app/mssql/data encrypt_cbc_aes256_all local guarded guarded N/A /u01/app/mssql/log encrypt_cbc_aes256_all local guarded guarded N/A
Start the database and then test to see if the data is accessible, type:
# sudo systemctl start mssql-server # sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<password>' use <targetdb> SELECT filename from sysfiles go
Expected results: You should be able to log into your targeted datatransformed database and query system files.
Create a CTE guarded Standalone SQL Server database using LDT
Enable the LDT setting in CipherTrust Manager using one of the following methods:
Install agent to your targeted database host with LDT enabled Configuring CTE with CipherTrust Manager.
Enable LDT on an existing CipherTrust Transparent Encryption installed host using the CM GUI.
Create a targeted new baseline in the SQL Server database:
sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultdatadir /var/opt/mssql/LDT/data sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf set filelocation.defaultlogdir /var/opt/mssql/LDT/data sudo systemctl restart mssql-server systemctl status mssql-server sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<password>' CREATE DATABASE `<targetdb>` SELECT Name from sys.Databases go
Create an LDT encryption policy using CS1 or CBC keys of either 128aes or 256aes.
Field Value Name LDT_clear_to_CS1_aes256_onhost_key Expiration Date <target date>
Algorithm AES256 or AES128 Encryption Mode CBC_CS1 or CBC Key Type Cache on Host Automatic Key Rotation Selected Key Version Life Span (days) <target #>
Create an online LDT policy using the key created in the previous step.
Example for CBC_CS1 with AES256
Policy Name: LDT_clear_to_CS1_aes256_onhost
Security Rules
Rule Action Order 1 Action key_op Effect Permit, Apply Key Browsing No Rule Action Order 2 Action all_ops Effect Permit, Audit, Apply Key Browsing Yes Rule Action Order 3 Action all_ops Effect Deny, Audit Browsing Yes Key Selection Rule:
Key Description Order 1 Current Key clear_key Transformation Key LDT_clear_to_CS1_aes256_onhost_key Exclusion Rule No -
Stop the SQL Server, type:
# sudo systemctl stop mssql-server # systemctl status mssql-server
Guard the new LDT baseline database with the LDT policy created in the previous step.
# secfsd -status guard
GuardPoint Policy Type ConfigState Status Reason ---------- ------ ---- ----------- ------ ------ /var/opt/mssql/LDT/data LDT_clear_to_CS1_aes256_onhost local guarded guarded N/A
Wait for the Rekey Status in CipherTrust Manager to display: Rekeyed.
Run LDT with the same policy to verify the transformation of the baseline database.
# voradmin ldt attr get <data/log directory of baseline database>
# voradmin ldt attr get /var/opt/mssql/LDT/data
LDT stats: version=6, rekey_status=rekeyed Number of times rekeyed: 1 time Rekey start time: 2022/09/02 05:41:26 Last rekey completion time: 2022/09/02 05:41:28 Estimated rekey completion time: N/A Policy key version: 0 Pushed Policy key version: 0 Policy ID: 1001 Data stats: total=16.0MB, rekeyed=11.0MB truncated=0.0MB, sparse=5.0MB File stats: total=2, rekeyed=2, failed=0 passed=0, skipped=0, created=0, removed=0, excluded=0
Expected results:
No errors in output
Do not start the next step until rekey_status = rekeyed.
Restart the SQL Server, type:
# su - mssql # sudo systemctl start mssql-server # systemctl status mssql-server
Access the targeted database and query the data, type:
sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P '<password>' use <targetdb> use <targetdb> SELECT filename from sysfiles go
Expected results: You should be able to log into your targeted database and query system files.