Upgrading CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM Provider
This section is applicable for:
Upgrading the CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM provider from older version to the higher version.
Upgrading from SafeNet MSSQL EKM provider to CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM provider.
Upgrade from SafeNet MSSQL EKM provider to CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM provider will uninstall SafeNet MSSQL EKM provider and install CAKM for Microsoft SQL EKM.
While upgrading, if you get the File in use prompt, select Do not Close Application (a reboot will be required) option.
To upgrade the CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM Provider:
Install the latest version of the CAKM for Microsoft SQL Server EKM Provider. It replaces the installed files with a newer version.
Edit the cakm_mssql_ekm.properties file to set the configuration properties.
Execute the following query to update the cryptographic provider:
Restart the Microsoft SQL Server service after altering the provider to load the updated properties file and the provider DLL.