Managing Classification Profiles
You manage classification profiles through the Classification Profiles page, which is accessed by clicking the Classification Profiles link in the Data Discovery sidebar on the left.
From the Classification Profiles page you can:
View all the available classification profiles. See Viewing Classification Profiles.
Create a new classification profile. See Adding Classification Profiles.
View details of a selected classification profile. See Viewing Details of Classification Profiles.
Modify an existing classification profile. See Editing Classification Profiles.
Create a new classification profile from an existing one. See Duplicating Classification Profiles.
Remove a classification profile. See Removing Classification Profiles.
Viewing Classification Profiles
The Classification Profiles page lists available classification profiles. Initially, the page shows prebuilt classification profile templates only. Newly created and duplicate classification profiles are also shown on this page. Duplicating classification profiles is the process of creating copies of existing profiles with identical properties. Additionally, the page shows the total number of available profiles.
The list view of the Classification Profiles page shows the following details:
Item | Description |
Name | Name of the classification profile. |
Sens. Level | Sensitivity level applied to the profile. |
Modified | Time when the profile is modified. |
Tags | Number of applied tags. |
Use the Search text box to filter classification profiles. Search results display classification profiles that contain specified text in their names.
By default, classification profiles are listed in ascending alphabetic order of their names. Classification profiles can be sorted by their names and percentage of sensitivity levels.
Classification profiles can be filtered using the Sens. Level filter.
Classification Profile Templates
Classification profiles can be created based on predefined templates or custom templates. You can use the following predefined templates:
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Affects organizations that process the personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the organization is headquartered. Apart from the general GDPR template you can narrow down the scope by selecting one of these specific GDPR templates:
GDPR Financial: Covers a subset of GDPR information related to personal financial data.
GDPR Personal Details: Covers any GDPR personal data not captured by the other GDPR templates.
GDPR Healthcare: Healthcare data related GDPR template.
GDPR National ID: Can be used to create a classification profile related to national ID data.
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): Covers the healthcare information in the US. HIPAA relates to protection, encryption, and key management.
PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry): Affects organizations that play a role in processing credit and debit card payments. These organizations must comply with the strict PCI DSS (Data Security Standard) compliance requirements for the processing, storage, and transmission of data.
CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): Affects organizations that process the personal data of a California resident, regardless of where the organization is headquartered.
Privacy Shield: Privacy Shield Framework (US). Regulates transatlantic exchanges of personal data for commercial purposes between the European Union and United States.
UK GDPR: Although EU GDPR no longer applies in the UK after the Brexit, UK's DPA 2018 has already enacted the EU GDPR’s requirements into UK law (effective from January 1, 2021). The template captures this new regime known as UK GDPR.
LGPD (Brazil): Brazilian General Data Protection Law.
PDP: The Personal Data Protection Bill.
Adding Classification Profiles
Use the Add Classification Profile wizard to add a classification profile. Adding a classification profile involves the following steps:
Select Profile Template
In the Classification Profiles page, click the + Add Profile button on the right. The Add Classification Profile wizard is displayed.
In the Select Profile Template step, select the required profile template from the available options.
See Classification Profile Templates for more information about these classification profile templates.
Click Next to go on to the Name and Describe screen.
General Info
Specify a Profile Name. The name must be longer than two characters and up to 64 characters.
Provide a Description for the profile (up to 250 characters).
Select a Sensitivity Level from the drop-down list. A sensitivity level suggests DDC what level of sensitivity is OK to find in this data store. For details, see Sensitivity Levels.
Click Next to go on to the Select Infotypes screen.
Select Infotypes
The Select Infotypes screen is displayed. The screen shows the list of available information types. The screen shows details such as Infotype Name, Category, and Region.
Based on the selected profile template, certain information types may already be applied/selected. The applied information types can be viewed by turning on the Selected only toggle switch.
Search for the required infotypes. You can use the following options:
Search text box: Enter text to filter information types. Search results display information types that contain specified text in their names.
Category filter: Click the filter icon, select or clear categories, and click OK.
Region filter: Click the filter icon, select or clear categories, and click OK.
Click Next to go on to the Apply Tags screen.
Apply Tags
The Apply Tags screen is displayed.
Based on the selected profile template, certain tags may appear already applied. You can select existing tags, enter new tags, and remove existing tags, as appropriate.
Select a tag from the Add Tags (optional) drop-down list. Please check the list of prebuilt tags in Predefined Tags.
New tags can also be added. Start typing a new tag, and click the New:
link that appears below the drop-down list.
Add as many tags as needed.Tip
To remove a tag, click the close icon in the tag name.
Click Save.
The newly created classification profile appears on the Classification Profiles page. By default, profiles are displayed in alphabetic order by name. Depending on the number of entries per page, you might need to navigate to other pages to view the newly created profile.
Viewing Details of Classification Profiles
The default view of the Classification Profiles page lists prebuilt profile templates, created profiles, and duplicate profiles. Names of profiles and their modification times are also shown. Additionally, the view shows infotypes, sensitivity levels, and tags applied to available classification profiles.
The edit view of the page shows additional details of each classification profile. The details include the number of linked scans, profile name, profile description, applied sensitivity level, list of linked infotypes, and applied tags.
To view details of a classification profile:
In the left pane of the Data Discovery application, click Classification Profiles. The Classification Profiles page is displayed. This page lists available classification profiles.
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the desired profile. A shortcut menu appears.
Click View. The Classification Profiles page shows additional details of the profile.
For new and duplicate classification profiles, the button name is View/Edit. Clicking this button shows the edit view of the Classification Profiles page. The details can be viewed and edited on this page. Refer to "Editing Classification Profiles" on page 1 for details.
Only the users with appropriate rights can see the View/Edit button. For all other users, only the View button is visible.
Editing Classification Profiles
Newly created and duplicate classification profiles can be modified to suit your requirements. Use the edit view of the page to modify individual classification profiles. You can edit the profile name, profile description, applied sensitivity level, linked infotypes, and applied tags.
Prebuilt classification profiles cannot be edited. However, you can duplicate them and edit the copy to suit your requirements.
To edit a new or a duplicate classification profile:
In the left pane of the Data Discovery application, click Classification Profiles. The Classification Profiles page is displayed. This page lists available classification profiles.
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the desired profile. A shortcut menu appears.
Click View/Edit. The edit view of the Classification Profiles page appears.
For new and duplicate classification profiles, the button name is View/Edit. Clicking this button shows the edit view of the Classification Profiles page. The details can be viewed and edited on this page.
Only the users with appropriate rights can see the View/Edit button. For all other users, only the View button is visible.
Expand GENERAL. General details are displayed.
Modify the required details.
Expand INFOTYPES. The list of infotypes is displayed.
Select or clear infotypes, as required.
Expand TAGS. The applied tags, if any, are displayed.
Add new tags or modify existing tags, as required.
Click Save Changes.
The list view of the Classification Profiles page shows updated information.
Duplicating Classification Profiles
Duplicating classification profiles is the process of creating copies of existing profiles with identical properties. This process simplifies the creation of new profiles. Duplicate profiles can be modified later to suit your requirements, if needed.
To duplicate a classification profile:
In the left pane of the Data Discovery application, click Classification Profiles. The Classification Profiles page is displayed. This page lists available classification profiles.
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the desired profile. A shortcut menu appears.
Click Duplicate.
A message appears stating that the profile has been duplicated successfully. The duplicate profile with the name < original_profile_name> - Copy appears on the Classification Profiles page. For example, if the profile APA - Australia Privacy Amendment is duplicated, a profile named APA - Australia Privacy Amendment - Copy is created.
Removing Classification Profiles
You can remove a classification profile in the Classification Profiles screen. To remove a classification profile follow these steps:
Click the overflow icon (
) corresponding to the desired classification profile.
In the shortcut menu that is displayed, select the Remove option.
If the classification profile has scans associated with it, a Remove Classification Profile message box with the following information will be displayed:
"Are you sure you want to remove this classification profile? This cannot be undone. This classification profile is actively associated with the following scans:..."
The list of associated scans is displayed further down in the message box. Keep in mind that removing such a classification profile can have a significant effect on the associated scans and reports.
Confirm the classification profile removal by clicking the Remove button or click the Cancel button to cancel the operation.If the classification profile has no scans associated with it, you can simply click the Remove button to confirm its removal.