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REST API for Luna Network HSMs
Gets information associated with the appliance.
Users with the following role privileges can perform this command:
Appliance details
JSON Schema: Lunasa
Unexpected error
"actions": "/api/lunasa/actions",
"cluster": "/api/lunasa/cluster",
"config": "/api/lunasa/config",
"cpu": "/api/lunasa/cpu",
"disk": "/api/lunasa/disk",
"forceSoLogin": false,
"hsms": "/api/lunasa/hsms",
"memory": "/api/lunasa/memory",
"network": "/api/lunasa/network",
"ntls": "/api/lunasa/ntls",
"ntp": "/api/lunasa/ntp",
"packageFiles": "/api/lunasa/packageFiles",
"packages": "/api/lunasa/packages",
"sensors": "/api/lunasa/sensors",
"services": "/api/lunasa/services",
"snmp": "/api/lunasa/snmp",
"ssh": "/api/lunasa/ssh",
"syslog": "/api/lunasa/syslog",
"systemStatus": "ISO (In Service Okay)",
"systemStatusCodes": "100,62,63,95",
"time": "/api/lunasa/time",
"upgrades": "/api/lunasa/upgrades",
"version": "7.8.3-342",
"webServer": "/api/lunasa/webServer"
State | Description |
ISO | The appliance is online and the necessary subsystems are operational. |
IST | The appliance is online and the necessary subsystems are operational with some troubles. |
OFL | The appliance is not currently connected to the Ethernet network and cannot provide service. |
OOS | The appliance is online but the necessary subsystems are NOT operational. |
Code | state | Description |
0 | ISO | In service and operational. |
15 | OOS | The cluster service is not running. |
20 | OOS | The NTLS service is not running. |
25 | OOS | The NTLS is not bound to an Ethernet device. |
30 | OOS | The HSM service has experienced one or more errors. |
40 | OOS | The cobradb service is not running. |
50 | OFL | No Ethernet interfaces are connected to the network. |
60 | ISO | eth0 is offline. |
61 | ISO | eth1 is offline. |
62 | ISO | eth2 is offline. |
63 | ISO | eth3 is offline. |
70 | IST | The logging service is not running. |
80 | ISO | The STC service is not running. |
90 | IST | The SSH service is not running. |
95 | ISO | The webserver service is not running. |
100 | ISO | The SNMP service is not running. |
110 | IST | One or more partitions on the disk drive are reaching maximum capacity. |
GET /api/lunasa/hsms
GET /api/lunasa/syslog
GET /api/lunasa/network
GET /api/lunasa/ntp
GET /api/lunasa/actions
GET /api/lunasa/services
GET /api/lunasa/time
GET /api/lunasa/snmp
GET /api/lunasa/ntls
GET /api/lunasa/ssh
GET /api/lunasa/sensors
GET /api/lunasa/cpu
GET /api/lunasa/disk
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/config
GET /api/lunasa/packages
POST /api/lunasa/packageFiles
GET /api/lunasa/upgrades