REST API for Luna Network HSMs
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GET /api/lunasa

GET /api/lunasa

Gets information associated with the appliance.

User Privileges

Users with the following role privileges can perform this command:

  • admin
  • operator
  • monitor





Appliance details

JSON Schema: Lunasa


Unexpected error

Example Request


Example Result

    "actions": "/api/lunasa/actions",
    "cluster": "/api/lunasa/cluster",
    "config": "/api/lunasa/config",
    "cpu": "/api/lunasa/cpu",
    "disk": "/api/lunasa/disk",
    "forceSoLogin": false,
    "hsms": "/api/lunasa/hsms",
    "memory": "/api/lunasa/memory",
    "network": "/api/lunasa/network",
    "ntls": "/api/lunasa/ntls",
    "ntp": "/api/lunasa/ntp",
    "packageFiles": "/api/lunasa/packageFiles",
    "packages": "/api/lunasa/packages",
    "sensors": "/api/lunasa/sensors",
    "services": "/api/lunasa/services",
    "snmp": "/api/lunasa/snmp",
    "ssh": "/api/lunasa/ssh",
    "syslog": "/api/lunasa/syslog",
    "systemStatus": "ISO (In Service Okay)",
    "systemStatusCodes": "100,62,63,95",
    "time": "/api/lunasa/time",
    "upgrades": "/api/lunasa/upgrades",
    "version": "7.8.3-342",
    "webServer": "/api/lunasa/webServer"

State Description

State Description
ISO The appliance is online and the necessary subsystems are operational.
IST The appliance is online and the necessary subsystems are operational with some troubles.
OFL The appliance is not currently connected to the Ethernet network and cannot provide service.
OOS The appliance is online but the necessary subsystems are NOT operational.

Status Code Description

Code state Description
0 ISO In service and operational.
15 OOS The cluster service is not running.
20 OOS The NTLS service is not running.
25 OOS The NTLS is not bound to an Ethernet device.
30 OOS The HSM service has experienced one or more errors.
40 OOS The cobradb service is not running.
50 OFL No Ethernet interfaces are connected to the network.
60 ISO eth0 is offline.
61 ISO eth1 is offline.
62 ISO eth2 is offline.
63 ISO eth3 is offline.
70 IST The logging service is not running.
80 ISO The STC service is not running.
90 IST The SSH service is not running.
95 ISO The webserver service is not running.
100 ISO The SNMP service is not running.
110 IST One or more partitions on the disk drive are reaching maximum capacity.

See Also

GET /api/lunasa/hsms
GET /api/lunasa/syslog
GET /api/lunasa/network
GET /api/lunasa/ntp
GET /api/lunasa/actions
GET /api/lunasa/services
GET /api/lunasa/time
GET /api/lunasa/snmp
GET /api/lunasa/ntls
GET /api/lunasa/ssh
GET /api/lunasa/sensors
GET /api/lunasa/cpu
GET /api/lunasa/disk
GET /api/lunasa/webServer/config
GET /api/lunasa/packages
POST /api/lunasa/packageFiles
GET /api/lunasa/upgrades