REST API for Luna Network HSMs



    version: Object
        type: string
        description:  The current version of the appliance.

    forceSoLogin: Object
        type: boolean
        description:  Specifies whether the forceSoLogin flag is enabled, the flag is
                      used to force security officer credentials on actions that would
                      otherwise not be needed.

    systemStatus: Object
        type: string
        description: System status provides the state of the appliance. For example,
                     if there are no faults detected, then the appliance is "In Service

    systemStatusCodes: Object
        type: string
        description: System status code gives additional information about the state of
                     the appliance. For example if it will give 61,62, and 63. Its mean
                     that interface eth1, eth2, eth3 is offline.
    hsms: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for hsm info.

    syslog: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for syslog info.

    ssh: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for SSH info.

    network: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for network info.

    services: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for service info.

    ntp: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for ntp info.

    actions: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance actions.

    time: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance time.

    ssh: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance ssh.

    sensors: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for appliance sensors.

    cpu: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for CPU usage info.

    memory: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for memory usage info.

    disk: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for disk info.

    packages: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for installed packages.

    packageFiles: Object
        type: string
        description:  The location for packages to be installed.

    upgrades: object
        type: String
        description: The location for upgrades management.

See Also

GET /api/lunasa/hsms
GET /api/lunasa/syslog
GET /api/lunasa/network
GET /api/lunasa/services
GET /api/lunasa/ntp
GET /api/lunasa/time
GET /api/lunasa/ssh
GET /api/lunasa/sensors
GET /api/lunasa/cpu
GET /api/lunasa/disk
GET /api/lunasa/packages
POST /api/lunasa/actions
POST /api/lunasa/packageFiles
GET /api/lunasa/upgrades