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Lunacm Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > partition > partition showinfo

partition showinfo

Display partition-level information for the current slot.
The output from this command varies, depending on the type of partition in the current slot, and on the HSM firmware version.


partition showinfo


Partition Info for an HSM admin partition (f/w 6.22.0 or newer)  
lunacm:> partition showinfo

        Partition Label -> mypcie6
        Partition Manufacturer -> Safenet, Inc.
        Partition Model -> K6 Base
        Partition Serial Number -> 150022
        Partition Status -> OK
        Token Flags ->
        Slot Id -> 1
        Tunnel Slot Id -> 2
        Session State -> CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION
        Role Status ->   none logged in
        Token Flags ->
        Partition OUID: 0000000000000000064a0200

        Partition Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  262144
                Used Storage Space:   0
                Free Storage Space:   262144
                Object Count:         0
                Overhead:             9280
        Firmware Version -> 6.22.0
        Rollback Firmware Version -> 6.21.0
        RPV Initialized -> Yes
        HSM Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  2097152
                Used Storage Space:   2097152
                Free Storage Space:   0
                Allowed Partitions:   1
                Number of Partitions: 1

        *** The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. ***

        License Count -> 9
                1. 621000026-000 K6 base configuration
                1. 620127-000 Elliptic curve cryptography
                1. 620114-001 Key backup via cloning protocol
                1. 620109-000 PIN entry device (PED) enabled
                1. 621010358-001 Enable a split of the master tamper key to be stored externally
                1. 621010089-001 Enable remote PED capability
                1. 621000021-001 Performance level 15
                1. 621000079-001 Enable Small Form Factor Backup
                1. 621000099-001 Enable per-partition Security Officer

Command Result : No Error


Partition Info for a PPSO application partition (f/w 6.22.0 or newer)  
lunacm:> partition showinfo

        Partition Label -> mypciepsopar
        Partition Manufacturer -> Safenet, Inc.
        Partition Model -> K6 Base
        Partition Serial Number -> 349297122736
        Partition Status -> OK
        Token Flags ->
        Slot Id -> 0
        Tunnel Slot Id -> 2
        Session State -> CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION
        Role Status ->   none logged in
        Token Flags ->
        Partition OUID: 6d02000074000001064a0200

        Partition Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  2087864
                Used Storage Space:   0
                Free Storage Space:   2087864
                Object Count:         0
                Overhead:             9288

Command Result : No Error


Partition Info for a Legacy application partition (f/w older than 6.22.0)  
lunacm:> partition showinfo

        HSM Serial Number -> 7001312
        HSM Status -> OK
        Token Flags ->
        RPV Initialized -> Not Available / Not Supported
        Slot Id -> 3
        Session State -> CKS_RW_PUBLIC_SESSION

        User Status-> Not Logged In

        Crypto Officer Failed Logins-> 0
        Crypto User Failed Logins->    0
        User Flags ->
        User OUID: 1200000745010000e0d46a00

        User Storage:
                Total Storage Space:  2094996
                Used Storage Space:   3116
                Free Storage Space:   2091880
                Object Count:         2

        *** The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. ***

        License Count -> 4
                1. 621000001-000 G5 base configuration
                1. 620139-000 Elliptic curve cryptography
                1. 620131-000 Key backup via cloning protocol
                1. 621010083-001 Performance level 15

Command Result : No Error