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partition recoverylogin

Perform a Recovery Login on the target slot. This command is provided as a demonstration of an operation that you would actually perform within your own application. Consider this command along with the partition -recoveryinit command, and the material in the SDK "High Availability Indirect Login Functions".


command parameter <variable> [optional_parameter <variable>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-keyhandle -kh RSA Private Key handle to use on the current token (as specified by the slot number).
-slot -s Specifies the slot number assigned to the token/HSM Partition.
-user -u

An integer that specifies the user type. The user type can be one of the following:

0 - Security Officer

1 - User

1 - Crypto Officer


lunacm:> partition recoverylogin -user 1 -slot 1 -keyhandle 11
This command will perform a Recovery Login
on the specified target slot.
Command Result : No Error