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partition recoveryinit

Performs a High Availability Initialization of the current active session.

This lunacm command is provided as a demonstration of an operation that you would actually perform within your own application. Consider this command along with lunacm partition -halogin command, and the material in the SDK "High Availability Indirect Login Functions" .


partition hainit -plabel <rsa_public_key_label> -rlabel <rsa_private_key_label> [-keyhandle <private_key_handle>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-keyhandle -k If this option is included then the HA function is initialized with an already existing RSA keypair, indicated by the handle that you provide.
-plabel -pl Specifies a label for the RSA Public Key. Must be supplied if you do not provide a keyhandle pointing to an existing RSA Private Key.
-rlabel -rl Specifies a label for the RSA Private Key. Must be supplied if you do not provide a keyhandle pointing to an existing RSA Private Key.


Creating a new RSA keypair to HA initialize the partition
lunacm:> partition hai -plabel myrsapub -rlabel myrsapriv
Generating RSA Key pair for HAInit...
User in slot 1 has been HA Initialised
with key handle 11.
Command Result : No Error
Initializing the partition when a suitable RSA keypair already exists
lunacm:> partition hai -keyhandle 11
User in slot 1 has been HA Initialised
with key handle 11.
Command Result : No Error