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partition policyTemplateSave  

Save the partition policy template modifications. This command saves a newly created partition policy template from editing memory, or saves a previously created partition policy template that was loaded for editing and re-saving.


partition policyTemplateSave [-name<template-name>] [-description<string>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Parameter Description
-name -n <template name> Specifies the name of the HSM Partition on which to alter policies. HSM Partition names are obtained with the partition -list command.
-description -d <string> An identifying comment for your own reference, when managing application partition policy templates.
-force -f . Force the option. Useful for scripting.


lunacm:> partition policyTemplateSave

        Saving the modified settings will overwrite the existing template "Sample02".

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed

Sample02 successfully saved.

Command Result : No Error