Key Rotation Commitment
The primary host drives the execution of the process for checking and committing a new key version across all members of LDT GuardPoint Groups associated with the affected GuardPoints. The primary host commits and launches LDT if all members have also received the same key version from CM. If a member has not received the new key version, the primary delays launching LDT and continues checking for the availability of the key versions with all of the members of the LDT GuardPoint Group.
The primary host triggers an ALARM on CM if a member of the LDT GuardPoint Group has not recieved the new key version. The message for this displays as:
LDT-NFS-ALERT: Some members of the LDT GuardPoint Group for [GuardPoint Pathname] have not received the latest key version.
After receiving this message, check the status of the connections between CTE hosts and CM to make sure each member is in an active state and in communication with CM, type: