Change the Application Server
For Kubernetes deployment with Helm
In the
file, underconfiguration
, update the value of appurl (IP address:port
of the Application Server).Update your DPG deployment using the following command.
helm upgrade <helm-chart-name> <path-of-helm-chart> -n <namespace>
For Kubernetes deployment without Helm
In your deployment file, in the
section ofConfigMap
, update the value ofDESTINATION_URL
of the Application Server).Update your DPG deployment using the following command.
kubectl replace -f `<deployment_filename>` -n `<namespace>
For Standalone deployment
Stop the existing container.
In the environment variable, update the
field and restart the container using the following command.docker run -d --name < name> -p <host-port>:<DPG_port> -e "KMS=<ipaddress/hostname>" -e "TLS_ENABLED=true" -e "CERT_PATH=<cert value>" -e "KEY_PATH=<key value>" -e "REG_TOKEN=<registrationtoken>" -e "DESTINATION_URL=<new_destinationurl>" -e "DPG_PORT=<DPG_port>" <DPG-image-name>