This API exports certificate and its private Key, if required.
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description |
certname | Name of the certificate to export. |
certformat | This option is required if private key will be exported along with the certificate. Valid values are — 1: representing PEM-PKCS#1 format — 8: representing PEM-PKCS#8 format. |
Sample SOAP Parameters
Exported certificate and the private key in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format.
<ns1:Session_Cert_ExportResponse xmlns:ns1="">-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDvzCCAqegAwIBAgIDAJ5EMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGbMQswCQYDVQQGEwJV
[… sample truncated for brevity … ]
OcqQnevrP4rbUC/5W6+gO0m5ZjMDKryAyW4RiNCboGKtVTVcz68J0+75RTvycjWKibEI-----END CERTIFICATE-----</ns1:Session_Cert_ExportResponse>