Importing, Exporting, and Replicating Keys
The XML Interface enables you to:
Import symmetric keys (see KeyImportRequest)
Export symmetric keys (see KeyExportRequest)
Export public keys (see PublicKeyExportRequest)
Plain text RSA private keys are imported and exported in PEM-encoded ASN.1 DER-encoded PKCS #1 format. In addition, the NAE Server is able to import and export encrypted RSA keys. They are imported and exported in PEM ASCII-encoded PKCS #12 format and can only be used with other NAE Servers.
The client can request that the server export a specified key to the client. That key must be exportable and accessible by the user. Global keys are available to any user; non-global keys are available to their owners. For information on generating exportable keys on the server, see Key Management Operations.
Import a key.
<KeyUUID>...</KeyUUID> #Optional
<KeyMUID>...</KeyMUID> #Optional
<ExternalKeyID>...</ExternalKeyID> #Optional
<WrapAlgorithm>...</WrapAlgorithm> # optional
<HashAlgorithm>...</HashAlgorithm> # optional
<Salt>...</Salt> # optional
<Info>...</info> # optional
<OkmLen>...</OkmLen> # optional
<WrapKeyName>...</WrapKeyName> # optional
<Padded/> # optional
<WrapFormat>...</WrapFormat> # optional
<Aliases> # optional, supported for 6.3 and higher
<KeyRotation> # optional, supported for 6.3 and higher
Import a key having Custom Attributes.
<KeyName>...</KeyName> # optional
<RandomKey/> # optional
<KeySize>...</KeySize> # optional
<Exportable/> # optional
<Deletable/> # optional
<Permissions>...</Permissions> # optional
<CustomAttributeList> # optional
<Type>...</Type> # optional, supported for 3.0, 6.1, and higher
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
KeyName | Specifies a name for the key. Key names must be unique: two keys cannot have the same name. If you do not include the KeyName element in the request, you must request a randomly-generated name for the key, using the RandomKey element. The KeyGenRequest element requires that you include either the RandomKey child element or the KeyName child element. |
uuid | Universally Unique Identifier (uuid) is a 128 bits DPM key identfier. It is specified in 32 hexadecimal lowercase digits with 4 dashes. If the uuid is not specified by the user, then system autiomatically generates a uuid. For example, <KeyUUID>426ba632-2244-4ae1-8b3a-ad8162a1df47</KeyUUID> . |
muid | Multiversally Unique Identifier (muid) is a 256 bits DPM key identfier. For example, <KeyMUID>426ba632-2244-4ae1-8b3a-ad8162a1df476d2c89a7-5830-476a-b5d0-b2edaca55d7e</KeyMUID> . |
keyId | It is a 32 bit DPM key identifier. It is specified in Long type format. For example, <ExternalKeyID>9934567890</ExternalKeyID> . |
RandomKey | Indicates that the server should generate a random unique key name for the generated key. The randomly-generated key name is guaranteed to be a cryptographically secure random string. If you do not include the RandomKey element in the request, you must specify a name for the key, using the KeyName element. The KeyGenRequest element requires that you include either the RandomKey child element or the KeyName child element. |
Algorithm | Contains a standard identifier string for a cryptographic algorithm supported by the server. The length of the Algorithm string should not exceed 256 characters. The algorithm can be any of the following: • AES • DESede • ARIA • HmacSHA1 • HmacSHA256 • HmacSHA384 • HmacSHA512 • RSA • SEED • RSA-Certificate • EC-Certificate (represents ECC) |
KeySize | Specifies the key size. If you do not specify a key size by including the KeySize element, the server uses the default key size for the algorithm, listed in bold below. The supportedkey sizes are: • AES - 128, 256,192 • DESede - 112, 168 • HmacSHA1 - variable, 160 • HmacSHA1-128 and 25 • HmacSHA256-128/192/256 • HmacSHA384-192/288/384 • HmacSHA512-256/384/512 • RSA-4096 • RSA - 512, 1024, 2048 • EC-secp224k1-225 • EC-secp224r1-224 • EC-secp256k1-256 • EC-secp384r1-384 • EC-secp521r1-521 • EC-prime256v1-256 • EC-brainpoolP224r1-224 • EC-brainpoolP224t1-224 • EC-brainpoolP256r1-256 • EC-brainpoolP256t1-256 • EC-brainpoolP384r1-384 • EC-brainpoolP384t1-384 • EC-brainpoolP512r1-512 • EC-brainpoolP512t1-512 |
KeyData | The KeyData element contains the actual key being imported. For import and export operations the KeyData element contains the ASCII-Hex-encoded bytes of the key. |
Exportable | Indicates that the key can be exported from the server using a client XML request. Keys created on the server are not, by default, exportable. This element is optional. |
Deletable | Indicates that the key can be deleted from the server using a client request. Keys created on the server are not, by default, deletable. This element is optional. |
Aliases | Specifies the list of Alias element. This element can contain multiple Alias elements. |
Alias | Alias is unique per key version and keys are searchable using Alias. This element contains <Name> and <Type> elements. |
Name | Indicates the name of the Alias element. |
Type | Specifies the data type of an Alias (<Name> ) element. It is an optional tag, and can be of the following types:• String • URI NOTE: If <Type> is not specified, the data-type of the <Name> element is selected as String. |
Permissions | Specifies the key usage permissions granted to specific groups. An owner of a key can grant key usage permissions to specific user groups by adding the Permissions element, and the Group and appropriate key usage permission elements: Encrypt, Decrypt, MAC, MACV, SIGN, SIGNV, UsePrivate, and UsePublic.This element is optional. |
Group | Specifies the group that has permission to use key. A child element of the Permissions element. |
Encrypt | Indicates that the group can use the key to encrypt data. |
Decrypt | Indicates that the group can use the key to decrypt data. |
MAC | Indicates that the group can use the key to create MACs. Available for HMAC keys. |
MACV | Indicates that the group can use the key to verify MACs. Available for HMAC keys. |
SIGN | Indicates that the group can use the key to create signatures. Available for RSA keys. |
SIGNV | Indicates that the group can use the key to verify signatures. Available for RSA keys. |
UsePrivate | Indicates that the group can use the private portion of the key to decrypt data. Available for RSA keys. |
UsePublic | Indicates that the group can use the public portion of the key to encrypt data. Available for RSA keys. |
KeyRotation | Specifies the key rotation attributes. This element is optional. |
Frequency | When the KeyRotation attribute is present, this element contains the rotation frequency of a key. It specifies the number of days from the current date to rotate the key. It should be greater than or equal to 0. If set to 0, the auto rotation of key will be disabled. NOTE: The scheduler job that triggers the auto rotation of keys at the specified frequency is system_auto_key_rotation .For more details on the Scheduler, refer to Administration Guide. |
CustomAttributeList | Specifies the list of custom attributes. This element can contain multiple CustomerAttribute elements. This element is optional. |
CustomAttribute | When a custom attribute is present, this element contains one Name and one Value element. |
Name | Indicates the name of the custom attribute. |
Type | Data type of Custom Attribute. Can be one of the following types: • String • Integer • Long Integer • Big Integer • Enumeration • Boolean • Byte String • Date/Time (default format: "yyyy-mm-dd hr:mm:ss") • Interval *NOTE: If |
Value | Specifies the value of the attribute. This value must be base64 encoded, and input is considered as text. If your original data contains non-printable characters, convert the original data to hex values, and then convert the hex values to base64. |
WrapAlgorithm | Possible value: • HKDF - In case of AES-UNWRAP, if this is specified, then the key will be derived from HKDF parameters. |
HashAlgorithm | Possible values: SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512. |
Salt | Random HEX bytes of any length |
Info | Random HEX bytes of any length |
OkmLen | The desired OKM length in integer |
WrapKeyName | Key name to be used as unwrapping key. If it is a AES key, it does AES Unwrap. If it is RSA key, it does RSA Unwrap. |
Padded | If specified, AES-UNWRAP padding is performed. (RFC 5649) |
WrapFormat | Applicable for RSA Unwrap. The supported wrap formats are PKCS1v1.5 (default) and for the PKCS1v2.1 implementation formats are: • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA1 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA256 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA384 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 |
Server response to a KeyImportRequest
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
Success | Indicates if the operation was successful. true indicates success. false indicates failure. When the operation is successful, the response element will contain the elements described below. When the operation fails, the response element contains the FatalError and ErrorString elements to illustrate why the failure occurred and help you troubleshoot. For a list of possible error IDs and strings, see Error Messages. |
KeyName | Contains the name of the key |
Fingerprint | Contains the fingerprint of the key. |
Import a Key
In the example below, the client imports a key with custom attributes.
Import a Key with Custom Attributes
In the example below, the client imports an AES key with custom attributes.
Import a Key with External key-Ids
In the example below, the client imports an AES key.
Import Certificate as a Managed Object using PKCS1
In the example below, the client imports a certificate using PKSC1.
ZW5ldDEUMB0 ......... rx12h6B5OWcCNOfbgTOnTisbC68tJ8w0p3wlU
S4SWSV5ufwJZ9CXX0 ......... ypWx5VbvHAmHkLiVIs6Xq8FDtJ6sxXx++QJ3ea0GPf7A
Import Certificate as a Managed Object using PKCS8
In the example below, the client imports a certificate using PKSC8.
UzELMAkG ......... 9vKL1Ff7A55/alYey5WvQvIiNSOMNajHJzZCsmI6HW
MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBgSlAgEAAoIBAQD7HkWRxyFZ7 HkWRxyFZ7HkWRxyFZnTwOcuZa ......... M+p2JD1B69yZaIX Kaavs6wmyCCctz5oF7HkWRxyFZ6Ox9VLbWY15BmNFu3w67Jvi+z/Rruwt/Qa
Import Certificate as a Managed Object using PKCS12
In the example below, the client imports a certificate using PKSC12.
Import a Wrapped AES Key using RSA Unwrap with PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 Padding
Import a Wrapped RSA Key using AES Unwrap
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
KeyName | Specifies a name for the key. Key names must be unique: two keys cannot have the same name. If you do not include the KeyName element in the request, you must request a randomly-generated name for the key, using the RandomKey element. The KeyGenRequest element requires that you include either the RandomKey child element or the KeyName child element. |
RandomKey | Indicates that the server should generate a random unique key name for the generated key. The randomly-generated key name is guaranteed to be a cryptographically secure random string. If you do not include the RandomKey element in the request, you must specify a name for the key, using the KeyName element. The KeyGenRequest element requires that you include either the RandomKey child element or the KeyName child element. |
Algorithm | Contains a standard identifier string for a cryptographic algorithm supported by the server. The length of the Algorithm string should not exceed 256 characters. The algorithm can be any of the following: • AES • DESede • HmacSHA1 • RSA • SEED • RSA-Certificate • EC-CR (represents ECC) |
KeyData | The KeyData element contains the actual key being imported. For import and export operations the KeyData element contains the ASCII-Hex-encoded bytes of the key. |
Exportable | Indicates that the key can be exported from the server using a client XML request. Keys created on the server are not, by default, exportable. This element is optional. |
Deletable | Indicates that the key can be deleted from the server using a client request. Keys created on the server are not, by default, deletable. This element is optional. |
Permissions | Specifies the key usage permissions granted to specific groups. An owner of a key can grant key usage permissions to specific user groups by adding the Permissions element, and the Group and appropriate key usage permission elements: Encrypt, Decrypt, MAC, MACV, SIGN, SIGNV, UsePrivate, and UsePublic.This element is optional. |
Password | The password (in base 64) used to encrypt the key. |
Group | Specifies the group that has permission to use key. A child element of the Permissions element. |
Encrypt | Indicates that the group can use the key to encrypt data. |
Decrypt | Indicates that the group can use the key to decrypt data. |
MAC | Indicates that the group can use the key to create MACs. Available for HMAC keys. |
MACV | Indicates that the group can use the key to verify MACs. Available for HMAC keys. |
SIGN | Indicates that the group can use the key to create signatures. Available for RSA keys. |
SIGNV | Indicates that the group can use the key to verify signatures. Available for RSA keys. |
UsePrivate | Indicates that the group can use the private portion of the key to decrypt data. Available for RSA keys. |
UsePublic | Indicates that the group can use the public portion of the key to encrypt data. Available for RSA keys. |
CustomAttributeList | Specifies the list of custom attributes. This element can contain multiple CustomerAttribute elements. This element is optional. |
CustomAttribute | When a custom attribute is present, this element contains one Name and one Value element. |
Name | Indicates the name of the custom attribute. |
Type | Data type of Custom Attribute. Can be one of the following types: • String • Integer • Long Integer • Big Integer • Enumeration • Boolean • Byte String • Date/Time (default format: "yyyy-mm-dd hr:mm:ss") • Interval NOTE: If <Type> is not specified, then String is selected as the default data-type for <Value> . |
Value | Specifies the value of the attribute. This value must be base64 encoded, and input is considered as text. If your original data contains non-printable characters, convert the original data to hex values, and then convert the hex values to base64. |
KeySize | Specifies the key size. If you do not specify a key size by including the KeySize element, the server uses the default key size for the algorithm, listed in bold below. The available key sizes are: • AES - 128, 256,192 • DESede - 112, 168 • HmacSHA1 - variable, 160 • HmacSHA1-128 and 25 • HmacSHA256-128/192/256 • HmacSHA384-192/288/384 • HmacSHA512-256/384/512 • RSA-4096 • RSA - 512, 1024, 2048 • EC-secp224k1-225 • EC-secp224r1-224 • EC-secp256k1-256 • EC-secp384r1-384 • EC-secp521r1-521 • EC-prime256v1-256 • EC-brainpoolP224r1-224 • EC-brainpoolP224t1-224 • EC-brainpoolP256r1-256 • EC-brainpoolP256t1-256 • EC-brainpoolP384r1-384 • EC-brainpoolP384t1-384 • EC-brainpoolP512r1-512 • EC-brainpoolP512t1-512 |
WrapAlgorithm | This is an optional tag. Valid value: HKDF NOTE: This functionality can only be used for AES-Unwrap.The key is derived from HKDF parameters. |
HashAlgorithm | This is an optional tag. Valid values: • SHA1 • SHA224 • SHA256 • SHA384 • SHA512 |
Salt | This is an optional tag. Random HEX bytes of any length |
Info | This is an optional tag. Random HEX bytes of any length |
OkmLen | This is an optional tag. The desired OKM length in integer |
WrapKeyName | This is an optional tag. Key name to be used as unwrapping key. • If it is an AES key, it does AES Unwrap. • If it is a RSA key, it does RSA Unwrap. |
Padded | This is an optional tag. • If specified, AES-UNWRAP padding is performed. (RFC 5649) • Else, AES-UNWRAP is performed. (RFC 3394) |
WrapFormat | This is an optional tag. Applicable for RSA Unwrap.The supported wrap formats are PKCS1v1.5 (default) and for the PKCS1v2.1 implementation formats are: • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA1 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA256 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA384 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 |
Export a key. If key wrapping is used, all exported versions are wrapped with the same key and algorithm parameters.
<KeyName>...</KeyName> # optional
<KeyAlias>...</KeyAlias> # optional
<KeyVersion>...</KeyVersion> # optional
<Format>...</Format> # optional
<Password>...</Password> # optional
<WrapPublicKey>...</WrapPublicKey> # optional
<IV>...</IV> # optional
<AllVersions/> # optional
<WrapFormat>....</WrapFormat> # optional
<Algorithm>.….</Algorithm> # optional
<WrapSymmetricKeyName>….</WrapSymmetricKeyName> # optional
<HashAlgorithm>...</HashAlgorithm> # optional
<Salt>...</Salt> # optional
<Info>...</info> # optional
<OkmLen>...</OkmLen> # optional
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
KeyName | The KeyName child element specifies which key the server should export. |
KeyAlias | Defines the alias name of the key. It's mandatory for KeyExportRequest element to include either the KeyName child element or the KeyAlias child element. |
KeyVersion | Indicates a specific key version. To retrieve all versions of a versioned key, use AllVersions. |
Format | The requested format of the exported key. Valid values are: • PEM-PKCS#1 : Private key is exported in PKCS#1 format , public key pkcs#1 by default • PEM-PKCS#8: Private key is exported in PKCS#8 format , public key pkcs#1 by default (for ECC, public key SEC1 by default) • PKCS#12 (Used for exporting certificates) • PEM-PKCS#6 (used for extended certificates , so private keys can not be exported) • PEM-PKCS#1-PKCS#8: Public key is exported in PKCS#1 and Private key is exported in PKCS#8 format • PEM-PKCS#6-PKCS#1: Public key is exported in PKCS#6 and Private key is exported in PKCS#1 format • PEM-PKCS#6-PKCS#8: Public key is exported in PKCS#6 and Private key is exported in PKCS#8 format • PEM-SEC1: default format for both public and private key, for ECC |
Password | The password (in base 64) used to encrypt the exported key. This element is only used (and is requried) when exporting asymmetric keys in PKCS#12 format. |
WrapPublicKey | The RSA public key that will be used to wrap (encrypt) the key specified in the KeyName element. |
AllVersions | Indicates that the request is to export all versions of a versioned key, regardless of their state. To retrieve a specific version, use KeyVersion. |
WrapFormat | The supported wrap formats are PKCS1v1.5 (default) and for the PKCS1v2.1 implementation formats are: • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA1 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA256 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA384 • PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 |
Algorithm | The algorithm used for wrapping. Valid values are: • AES-WRAP: This standard is followed when AES is used as wrap algorithm. AES belongs to NIST approved KeyWrap. For more information visit: • HKDF NOTE: AES-WRAP supports wrapping of all the symmetric keys and private asymmetric keys. While wrapping asymmetric keys, AES-256 keys are used and the Alternative Initial Value (AIV) is used as a default value mentioned in RFC 5649. For more information visit: |
WrapSymmetricKeyName | This is an optional tag. The AES key that will be used to wrap the key specified in the KeyName element. |
HashAlgorithm | This is an optional tag. Possible HashAlgorithm valid values: • SHA1 • SHA224 • SHA256 • SHA384 • SHA512 |
Salt | This is an optional tag. Random HEX bytes of any length. |
Info | This is an optional tag. Random HEX bytes of any length. |
OkmLen | This is an optional tag. The desired OKM length in integer |
Padded | This is an optional tag. • If specified, AES-WRAP padding is performed. (RFC 5649) • Else, AES-WRAP is performed. (RFC 3394) |
Server response to a KeyExportRequest.
<KeyVersion>...</KeyVersion> # only for versioned keys
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
Success | Indicates if the operation was successful. true indicates success. false indicates failure. When the operation is successful, the response element will contain the elements described below. When the operation fails, the response element contains the FatalError and ErrorString elements to illustrate why the failure occurred and help you troubleshoot. For a list of possible error IDs and strings, see Error Messages. |
KeyExportDataList | Contains the KeyExportData elements. |
KeyExportData | Contains the key version (for versioned keys), key data, and fingerprint. There is one element for each exported key version. |
KeyVersion | Contains the version of the key (only used for versioned keys). |
KeyData | Contains the key data. |
Fingerprint | Contains the fingerprint of the key. |
Export a Key
In the example below, the client exports key_a using the KeyExportRequest element.
Export and Delete a Versioned Key
In the example below, the client exports and deletes a versioned key.
Export a Key with PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 Padding
In the example below, the client exports key with PKCS1v2.1/RSAOAEP-SHA512 padding.
<WrapPublicKey>-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
Export an AES Key Wrapped with Another AES Key
In the example below, the client exports an AES 128 key wrapped with AES_256 key.
Export the public portion of an RSA key.
<KeyVersion>...</KeyVersion> # optional
<AllVersions/> # optional
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
KeyName | Specifies which key the server should export. |
PublicKeyExportResponse | Server response to a PublicKeyExportRequest |
Element | Description |
ID | Contains the user-specified request ID. |
Success | Indicates if the operation was successful. true indicates success. false indicates failure. When the operation is successful, the response element will contain the KeyName, KeyData, and Fingerprint elements described below. When the operation fails, the response element contains the FatalError and ErrorString elements to illustrate why the failure occurred and help you troubleshoot. For a list of possible error IDs and strings, see Error Messages. |
KeyName | Contains the key name. |
KeyData | Contains the key data. |
Fingerprint | Contains the fingerprint of the key. |
Export an RSA Key
In the example below, the client exports an RSA public key.
<KeyData>-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
MEgCQQC7+Th9U8akLjyFLxSQnvSbVOYU/0pLWLGZpagnKZFAbE7qyTXKshH5Ku fY+gb5fpA7/bMEGYW9CNp9veuv0oq1AgMBAAE=