Flutter plugin
This documentation contains information about the Flutter Plugin and integrating the Flutter Plugin with the Mobile SDK.
Obtain the plugin
The plugin and example application are available in the OneWelcome Identity Platform repository. Download the plugin and example application.
Obtain the Mobile SDK
To begin, ensure you have access to the Mobile SDK. To obtain credentials, navigate to the Customer Support Portal and submit a request for access.
Configure your project
Configure your native project for the Flutter Plugin to start work.
Project requirements
- Android: Minimum API level 23
- iOS: Minimum iOS version 15
- Flutter: Minimum Flutter version 1.12.0
Add the plugin to your project
To start using the plugin, you need to add the plugin to your project.
- Open
file in your project - Add dependency -
Onegini: ^x.y.z
. - Run
flutter pub get
Initialize Flutter Plugin
Initialize the Flutter Plugin by calling the startApplication
Example code to initialize the plugin
Configure the Flutter SDK
The Flutter SDK is a wrapper for the Android and iOS SDKs. For this reason, the wrapper SDKs require access to the native SDKs to function, which can be done through the following steps:
- Navigate to the Customer Support Portal and submit a request for access.
- Use the SDK Configurator to configure the Flutter SDK on your application.
Integrate with Android
To integrate the Flutter Plugin with your Android project:
Modify the
section: -
Add to the
section: -
Add to
. -
Add to
android/build.gradle [allprojects.repositories]
Set up the OneWelcome Identity Platform configuration. Generate a
with the Mobile SDK Configurator. -
Set up the
(not required). To change security options, you should create your own instance ofSecurityController
and handle it to the plugin. By default, security options are brought fromcom.onegini.mobile.SecurityController
. -
In your
class, in theonCreate()
method, you must addOneginiConfigModel
The Flutter Plugin uses deep links for communication between web pages and your app.
. Add<intent-filter>
to yourMainActivity
for listening browser redirects. Updatescheme="oneginiexample"
to use the scheme you generated usingonegini-sdk-configurator
Integrate with iOS
The Flutter Plugin is uploaded to the OneWelcome Identity Platform Artifactory repository. To let CocoaPods use an Artifactory repository, you need to install the
plugin. -
The OneWelcome Identity Platform repository is not a public repository. You must provide credentials to access the repo. Create a file named
in your Home folder(~/)
and add the following contents to it: -
Add the OneWelcome Identity Platform CocoaPods repository to your machine:
To update the repository, you must manually perform the following update:
Add next to
(before app target): -
The SDK can detect whether the app works in debug mode or with a debugger attached. This feature is enabled by default. When debug mode detection is enabled and a debugger is detected, the iOS SDK does not allow you to execute any of the user-related flows and returns an error.
To provide the best possible experience during iOS integration and security protection of your product, two types of SDK are provided: production (secure) and develop.
SDK version production develop Debug detection + - Root detection + - Debug logs - + To use the develop version, add the following environment variable in the ios/Podfile:
Never release your app with the developer version of the SDK (with environment variable
set). Doing so can result in a possible data breach and significantly decrease the security level of your app. -
pod install
Linking native iOS code
For iOS versions 12.0 and later, to link native code in the xCode project, execute: