Reports on the performance of PKCS#11 cryptographic operations.
This performance measurement is application-dependent, therefore the results are indicative only.
The following ctperf syntax can be used.
ctperf [-h] [-b<bytes>] [-c] [-C<curve_name>] [-e] [-i<count>] [-k] [-m<bits>] [-n<mechanism>] [-o<mechanism>] [-p] [-q] [-r] [-R] [-s<slot>] [-t<seconds>] [-v] [-x] [-z<name>]
The following ctperf options are available.
-b<bytes>, --block-size=<bytes>
Specify the block size to use for the symmetric cipher tests. For example, -b8 specifies 8 bytes, -b8k specifies 8 kilobytes. The default size is 4 kilobytes.
-c, --strict
Strict PKCS#11.
-C<curve_name>, --curve-name=<label>
Specifies which curve to use. Valid values are:
P-192 (also known as prime192v1 and secp192r1)
P-224 (also known as secp224r1)
P-224K1 (also known as secp224k1)
P-256 (also known as prime256v1 and secp256r1)
P-384 (also known as secp384r1)
P-521 (also known as secp521r1)
or any valid Domain Parameters object label
If a curve name is not specified, the default P-192 is used.
-e, --EMC
Runs tests suitable for EMC testing purposes.
-h, -?, --help
Display usage information.
-i<count>, --iterations=<count>
The number of iterations of the performance tests to run. The default is 1, use -1 to specify an infinite count.
-k, --keygen
Generation random keys (default uses fixed keys).
-m<bits>, --modulus=<bits>
Modulus bit length.
-n<mechanism>, --exc-mechanism=<mechanism>
Mechanisms to exclude from the test. This option can be repeated with additional mechanisms to specify more than one. See the -o option for a list of mechanisms. Default is no mechanisms.
-o<mechanism>, --inc-mechanism=<mechanism>
Mechanisms to include in the test. This option can be repeated with additional mechanisms to specify more than one. Default is all mechanisms. (For details and a listing of ProtectToolkit-C supported mechanisms please refer to ProtectToolkit-C mechanisms.
The following mechanism tests are supported:
Value Mechanism test -o sha1 SHA-1 mechanism -o sha224 SHA-224 mechanism -o sha256 SHA-256 mechanism -o sha384 SHA-384 mechanism -o sha512 SHA-512 mechanism -o md All Message Digest mechanisms -o md5 MD-5 mechanism -o rmd128 RMD-128 mechanism -o rmd160 RMD-160 mechanism -o aes All AES mechanisms -o aes_ecb AES ECB mechanism -o aes_cbc AES CBC mechanism -o aes_mac AES MAC mechanism -o des_all All DES mechanisms -o des_ecb64 DES ECB with fixed buffer size of 54 bytes -o des All single DES mechanisms -o des_ecb Single DES-ECB mechanism -o des_cbc Single DES-CBC mechanism -o des_mac Single DES-MAC mechanism -o des3 All triple-DES mechanisms -o des3_ecb Triple DES-ECB mechanism -o des3_ecb64 Triple DES-ECB mechanism with fixed length 64 byte buffer -o des3_cbc Triple DES-CBC mechanism -o des3_mac Triple DES-MAC mechanism -o idea All IDEA mechanisms -o idea_ecb IDEA-ECB mechanism -o idea_cbc IDEA-CBC mechanism -o idea_mac IDEA-MAC mechanism -o cast All CAST mechanisms -o cast_ecb CAST ECB mechanism -o cast_cbc CAST CBC mechanism -o cast_mac CAST MAC mechanism -o seed All SEED mechanisms -o seed_ecb SEED ECB mechanism -o seed_cbc SEED CBC mechanism -o seed_mac SEED MAC mechanism -o rc2 All RC2 mechanisms -o rc2_ecb RC2-ECB mechanism -o rc2_cbc RC2-CBC mechanism -o rc4 RC4 mechanism -o rsa_kg RSA PKCS key generation mechanism -o rsa_kg_x931 RSA C931 key generation mechanism -o rsa Most RSA mechanisms -o rsa_raw_enc Basic RSA public key transform -o rsa_pkcs_enc RSA public key enc with PKCS padding -o rsa_pkcs_ver RSA private key verify with PKCS padding -o rsa_raw_dec Basic RSA private key transform -o rsa_pkcs_dec RSA private key decrypt with PKCS padding -o rsa_9796_sign RSA sign with ISO9796 padding -o rsa_raw_dec_crt RSA private key primitive with CRT key -o rsa_9796_sign_crt RSA ISO9796 sign, CRT key -o rsa_ncrt All RSA mechanisms using non CRT keys -o dsa_kg All DSA key generation mechanisms -o dsa All DSA mechanisms; that is, dsa_verify and dsa_sign -o sym All symmetric algorithm mechanisms -o asym All asymmetric algorithm mechanisms -o ec All EC DSA operations. That is, ecdsa_kgecdsa_sign, ecdsa_verify, ecdsa_sha1_sign, and ecdsa_sha1_verify -o cert gen Invokes certificate-generation and signing tests -o dh_kg Diffie-Hellmann key generation mechanism -o rng The random number generation mechanism -o extra - des3_ses_kg: DES3 Session Key Generation/Destruction
- des3_tok_kg: DES3 Token Key Generation/Destruction
- des3_kw: DES3 Key Wrap
- cert_gen: Certificate Generation/Destruction
- ses: Session Open/Close
- obj: Object Creation/Search/Destroy
- login: Login / Logout
- xor_dk: XOR Derive Key
-o mc Reading of the monotonic counter object -
-p, --dsa-params
Parameters generated for DSA.
-q, --quick
Quick Keygen (key generation tests not performed).
-r, --random
Execute a random selection of the performance tests.
-R, --Random
Seed the random number generator. This option should be used with the -r option to generate a unique sequence of tests, otherwise the same pseudo random sequence will be repeated.
-s<slot>, --slot-num=<slot>
Specify the slot number to perform test on.
-t<seconds>, --time-period=<seconds>
Specify the measurement period. Default is 5 seconds.
-v, --verbose
Verbose (provide more information).
-x, --csv
Create a CSV (comma-separated variable) file.
-z<name>, --cryptoki-module=<name>
Optionally, specify a different cryptoki module to use. Can include full path.