hsmadmin.h Library Reference

The ProtectToolkit-C Software Development Kit offers a number of extended API libraries with functionality that is extended to that of the standard PKCS#11 function set.

The following additional features do not form part of the standard PKCS#11 functionality, but are provided by Thales as part of the SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C API within the hsmadmin.h library.

This reference contains descriptions of the following features:








The following functions provide an interface to the HSM’s real-time clock (RTC). This library is used in conjunction with the ctconf utility. The ctconf utility provides the capability to set the access control configuration parameters for the RTC.

This library cannot be used in software emulation mode.

Return Codes

The return code of all of the functions in the HSMAdmin Library is the enumerated type HSMADM_RV which can have the following values.

Return Code Meaning
HSMADM_OK The operation was successful.
HSMADM_BAD_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters have an invalid value.
HSMADM_ADJ_TIME_LIMIT The delta value passed to the HSMADM_AdjustTime() is too large, and will not be used.
HSMADM_ADJ_COUNT_LIMIT The number of calls made to the HSMADM_AdjustTime() that change the time is too large. The adjustment will not be made.
HSMADM_NO_MEMORY There is not enough memory to complete operation.
HSMADM_SYSERR There was a system error. The operation was not performed.