
Changes the RTC status.


#include hsmadmin.h 
HSMADM_RV HSMADM_SetRtcStatus(unsigned int hsmIndex,HSMADM_RtcStatus_t status ); 
Parameter Description
hsmIndex Zero-based index of the HSM number to be used
status New status of the RTC. Possible values of the RTC status are defined in hsmadmin.h and are described below.

Return Codes

Value Meaning
HSMADM_RTC_UNINITIALIZED The RTC is not initialized yet.
HSMADM_RTC_STAND_ALONE The RTC is in the stand alone mode. This means that it is completely controlled by the crypto subsystem. In this mode, all cryptographic operations are allowed to use the value of the clock.
HSMADM_RTC_MANAGED_UNTRUSTED The RTC is being controlled by an external program; but the value is not trusted yet. This means certain cryptographic operations are refused access to the RTC because the value is (possibly) incorrect. When the RTC Status is set to this value, the ctconf -t command, which normally is used to set the RTC, cannot be used.
HSMADM_RTC_MANAGED_TRUSTED The RTC is being controlled by an external program, and its value may be trusted. This means that all cryptographic operations are allowed to use the value of the clock. When the RTC Status is set to this value, the ctconf -t command, which normally is used to set the RTC, cannot be used.