
Generate a domain param object.

NOTE   This function uses the following callbacks:




#include <kmlib.h>

CK_RV KM_GenerateDomainParams(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
                           CK_KEY_TYPE keyType,
                           CK_SIZE keySizeInBits,
                           CK_SIZE subPrimeBits,
                           CK_ATTRIBUTE* pTpl,
                           CK_COUNT tplSize,
                           CK_OBJECT_HANDLE* phKey);
Parameter Description
hSession Handle to an open session.

The type of PKCS #11 domain param to generate, such as the following:




Size, in bits, of the params to generate.

The size ranges for the supported PKCS #11 key types are the following:

>CKK_DH - 512 to 4096 bits

>CKK_DSA - 512 to 4096 bits

pTpl The attribute template the new key will have.
tplSize Number of attributes in pTpl.
phKey Location to store the handle of the generated key.


Status of operation.

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