KMLIB Callback Prototypes Reference
This chapter contains descriptions of the following callback prototypes:
Example of Callback Prototype Use
The following code demonstrates callback prototype use using the PromptString callback.
/** Function prototype */ static CK_RV PromptString( const char *pszMessage, char *pBuf, CK_ULONG *pBufLen ); /** Function implementation */ static CK_RV PromptString( const char* pszMessage, char* pBuf, CK_ULONG* pBufLen ); { CK_RV rv = CKR_OK; printf("%s", pszMessage); ReadLine(pBuf, *pBufLen); return rv; } int main(void){ : : KM_Callbacks_t km_callbacks; memset(&km_callbacks, 0, sizeof(km_callbacks)); km_callbacks.promptString = PromptString; : }
This function will prompt the user for confirmation of an action, as specified in pszMessage.
If cancellable is TRUE, user is given the option to cancel, as well as YES/NO. The choice is returned in pResult.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptConfirmation_t)( const char * pszMessage, CK_BBOOL bCancellable, UICB_ConfirmResult_t * pResult );
Parameter | Description |
pszMessage | Message used to prompt the user for their choice |
bCancellable | Specifies whether to give user the option to cancel |
pResult | Choice, as selected by the user |
Prompt and wait for a smart card to be entered in the specified slot.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptForSmartCard_t)( CK_SLOT_ID cardSlotId, const char * pszMessage, const char * pszPrompt );
Parameters | Description |
cardSlotId | ID of the slot to wait for the smart card. |
pszMessage | The message to display. |
pszPrompt | The prompt to display. |
This function will prompt the user for an integer, as specified in pszMessage.
The number entered is returned in pInt.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptInt32_t)( const char * pszMessage, CK_ULONG * pUlong );
Parameter | Description |
pszMessage | Message used to prompt the user for the integer. |
pUlong | Pointer to a CK_ULONG, which upon successful completion of this function, will contain the integer as entered by the user. |
Prompt for a key component from the user and verify its KCV. It is up to the library to convert the hex string entered as the key component to binary.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptKeyComponent_t)( int compNum, int numComps, char * pKeyComp, int * pKeyCompLen );
Parameter | Description |
compNum | The number of the key component to get. |
numComps | The number of key components to get. |
pKeyComp | Location to store the verified key component. |
pKeyCompLen | Location to store the length of the key component. |
This function will prompt the user for the PIN of the specified user on the given slot.
The result is returned in the pPin parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pPin is returned in pPinLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in pPinLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pPinLen.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptPin_t)( CK_SLOT_ID slotId, CK_BBOOL fConfirm, CK_USER_TYPE userType, CK_CHAR * pPin, CK_ULONG * pPinLen );
Parameter | Description |
slotId | ID of the slot for which to prompt for the PIN. |
fConfirm | Flag to indicate whether or not to confirm entered PIN. |
userType | User whose PIN should be prompted for. |
pPin | Pointer to buffer to accept PIN as entered by the user. |
pPinLen | Pointer to a CK_ULONG specifying the length of the buffer. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered PIN. |
This function will prompt the user for a string, as specified in pszMessage.
The result is returned in the pszBuf parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pszBuf is returned in pBufLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in in pBufLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pBufLen.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptString_t)( const char * pszMessage, char * pBuf, CK_ULONG * pBufLen );
Parameter | Description |
pszMessage | Message used to prompt the user for the string. |
pBuf | Pointer to buffer to accept string as entered by the user. |
pBufLen | Pointer to the length of the buffer to accept the entered string. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered string. |
Prompt for a PIN.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_PromptTokenPin_t)( const char *pszMessage, CK_CHAR *pPIN, int *pPinLen );
Parameter | Description |
pszMessage | The message to display when prompting for the PIN. |
pPIN | Location to hold the PIN entered. |
pPinLen | Location to hold the length of the entered PIN. |
Show the current smart card batch name and user number.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
void(* UICB_ShowExportHeader_t)( const char * pszBatchName, int custodianNumber );
Parameter | Description |
pszBatchName | The name of the current batch. |
custodianNumber | Number of the current custodian. |
Show the current smart card batch name and user number.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
void(* UICB_ShowImportHeader_t)( const char * pszBatchName, const char * pszUserName );
Parameter | Description |
pszBatchName | The name of the current batch. |
pszUserName | The name of the user who owns the card. |
Display a key component and KCV.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_ShowKeyComponent_t)( int compNum, int numComps, const char * pKeyComp, const char * pKCV );
Parameter | Description |
compNum | The current key component number. |
numComps | The number of components to display. |
pKeyComp | The key component to display. |
pKCV | The KCV of the component to display. |
This function will display a message to the user as specified in pszMessage.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
void(* UICB_ShowMsg_t)( UICB_MsgType_t msgType, const char * pszMessage );
Parameter | Description |
pszMessage | Message to display. |
msgType | Type of message to display. |
Show smart card batch information.
#include < uicallbacks.h >
CK_RV(* UICB_ShowSCBatchInfo_t)( const char * pszBatchName, const unsigned long timeCreated, const unsigned long cardNumber, const unsigned long numCustodians, const unsigned long custodianNumber, const char * pszUserName, const double percentageOfEks );
Parameter | Description |
pszBatchName | Name of the batch that this card belongs to. |
timeCreated | Time this card was created. |
cardNumber | Card number within the batch of this card. |
numCustodians | Number of custodians within the batch. |
custodianNumber | Number of this custodian. |
pszUserName | Name of the user that 'owns' this card. |
percentageOfEks | Percentage of the entire eks that has been stored on this card. |