KMLIB Callback Prototypes Reference

This chapter contains descriptions of the following callback prototypes:













Example of Callback Prototype Use

The following code demonstrates callback prototype use using the PromptString callback.

/** Function prototype */

static CK_RV PromptString(
   const char *pszMessage,
   char *pBuf, CK_ULONG *pBufLen

/** Function implementation */

static CK_RV PromptString(
   const char* pszMessage, 
   char* pBuf,
   CK_ULONG* pBufLen

   CK_RV rv = CKR_OK;
   printf("%s", pszMessage);
   ReadLine(pBuf, *pBufLen);
   return rv;

int main(void){


   KM_Callbacks_t km_callbacks;
   memset(&km_callbacks, 0, sizeof(km_callbacks));
   km_callbacks.promptString       = PromptString;




This function will prompt the user for confirmation of an action, as specified in pszMessage.

If cancellable is TRUE, user is given the option to cancel, as well as YES/NO. The choice is returned in pResult.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptConfirmation_t)( 
   const char *             pszMessage,
   CK_BBOOL                 bCancellable,
   UICB_ConfirmResult_t *   pResult
Parameter Description
pszMessage Message used to prompt the user for their choice
bCancellable Specifies whether to give user the option to cancel
pResult Choice, as selected by the user


Prompt and wait for a smart card to be entered in the specified slot.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptForSmartCard_t)( 
   CK_SLOT_ID          cardSlotId,
   const char *        pszMessage,
   const char *        pszPrompt
Parameters Description
cardSlotId ID of the slot to wait for the smart card.
pszMessage The message to display.
pszPrompt The prompt to display.


This function will prompt the user for an integer, as specified in pszMessage.

The number entered is returned in pInt.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptInt32_t)( 
   const char *        pszMessage,
   CK_ULONG *          pUlong
Parameter Description
pszMessage Message used to prompt the user for the integer.
pUlong Pointer to a CK_ULONG, which upon successful completion of this function, will contain the integer as entered by the user.


Prompt for a key component from the user and verify its KCV. It is up to the library to convert the hex string entered as the key component to binary.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptKeyComponent_t)( 
   int                 compNum,
   int                 numComps,
   char *              pKeyComp,
   int *               pKeyCompLen
Parameter Description
compNum The number of the key component to get.
numComps The number of key components to get.
pKeyComp Location to store the verified key component.
pKeyCompLen Location to store the length of the key component.


This function will prompt the user for the PIN of the specified user on the given slot.

The result is returned in the pPin parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pPin is returned in pPinLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in pPinLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pPinLen.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptPin_t)( 
   CK_SLOT_ID          slotId,
   CK_BBOOL            fConfirm,
   CK_USER_TYPE        userType,
   CK_CHAR *           pPin,
   CK_ULONG *          pPinLen
Parameter Description
slotId ID of the slot for which to prompt for the PIN.
fConfirm Flag to indicate whether or not to confirm entered PIN.
userType User whose PIN should be prompted for.
pPin Pointer to buffer to accept PIN as entered by the user.
pPinLen Pointer to a CK_ULONG specifying the length of the buffer. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered PIN.


This function will prompt the user for a string, as specified in pszMessage.

The result is returned in the pszBuf parameter. The number of CK_CHARs copied into pszBuf is returned in pBufLen, which is also used as input to the function. If the number of CK_CHARs entered is larger than the number passed in in pBufLen, the function will return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL and the required size will be returned in pBufLen.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptString_t)( 
   const char *        pszMessage,
   char *              pBuf,
   CK_ULONG *          pBufLen
Parameter Description
pszMessage Message used to prompt the user for the string.
pBuf Pointer to buffer to accept string as entered by the user.
pBufLen Pointer to the length of the buffer to accept the entered string. Upon successful completion of the function, the CK_ULONG will contain either the number of bytes copied into pPin, or the length required to hold the entered string.


Prompt for a PIN.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_PromptTokenPin_t)( 
   const char *pszMessage,
   int *pPinLen
Parameter Description
pszMessage The message to display when prompting for the PIN.
pPIN Location to hold the PIN entered.
pPinLen Location to hold the length of the entered PIN.


Show the current smart card batch name and user number.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

void(* UICB_ShowExportHeader_t)( 
   const char *        pszBatchName,
   int                 custodianNumber
Parameter Description
pszBatchName The name of the current batch.
custodianNumber Number of the current custodian.


Show the current smart card batch name and user number.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

void(* UICB_ShowImportHeader_t)( 
   const char *        pszBatchName,
   const char *        pszUserName
Parameter Description
pszBatchName The name of the current batch.
pszUserName The name of the user who owns the card.


Display a key component and KCV.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_ShowKeyComponent_t)( 
   int compNum, int    numComps,
   const char *        pKeyComp,
   const char *        pKCV
Parameter Description
compNum The current key component number.
numComps The number of components to display.
pKeyComp The key component to display.
pKCV The KCV of the component to display.


This function will display a message to the user as specified in pszMessage.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

void(* UICB_ShowMsg_t)( 
   UICB_MsgType_t      msgType,
   const char *        pszMessage
Parameter Description
pszMessage Message to display.
msgType Type of message to display.


Show smart card batch information.


#include < uicallbacks.h >

CK_RV(* UICB_ShowSCBatchInfo_t)( 
   const char *         pszBatchName, 
   const unsigned long  timeCreated, 
   const unsigned long  cardNumber,
   const unsigned long  numCustodians, 
   const unsigned long  custodianNumber, 
   const char *         pszUserName,
   const double         percentageOfEks
Parameter Description
pszBatchName Name of the batch that this card belongs to.
timeCreated Time this card was created.
cardNumber Card number within the batch of this card.
numCustodians Number of custodians within the batch.
custodianNumber Number of this custodian.
pszUserName Name of the user that 'owns' this card.
percentageOfEks Percentage of the entire eks that has been stored on this card.