Export one or more objects to one or more smart cards.
NOTE This function uses the following callbacks:
#include <kmlib.h>
CK_RV KM_ExportToSCwMethodAlg(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_CHAR* pUserPin, CK_SIZE userPinLen, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE* phWrapeeObjs, CK_COUNT numWrapeeObjs, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrapKey, CK_SLOT_ID cardSlotId, CK_ULONG deriveMech, int algType);
Parameter | Description |
hSession | Handle to an open session. |
pUserPIN |
Token's User PIN. |
userPinLen | Length of the user PIN number. |
phWrapeeObjs | Array of handles to objects that are to be exported. |
numWrapeeObjs | Number of objects in phWrapeeObjs. |
hWrapKey |
Label of the wrapping key. For multiple custodian export, this parameter is set to CK_INVALID_HANDLE. |
cardSlotId | ID of the smart card slot to write to. |
deriveMech |
Mechanism used to derive component keys: >KM_XOR_MECHANISM >KM_NOFM_MECHANISM |
algType |
Algorithm of transport key: >KM_ALG_DES3 >KM_ALG_AES >KM_ALG_AES_KWP |
Status of operation.
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