
Export an encrypted object set to a file.

NOTE   This function uses the following callback:



#include <kmlib.h>

CK_RV KM_ExportToFileAlg(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession,
                      int algType,
                      CK_OBJECT_HANDLE* phWrapeeObjs,
                      CK_COUNT numWrapeeObjs,
                      CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hWrapKey,
                      const char* pszFileName);
Parameter Description
hSession Handle to an open session.

Algorithm of transport key:




phWrapeeObjs Array of handles to objects that are to be exported.
numWrapeeObjs Number of objects in the phWrapeeObjs array.
hWrapKey Handle to the wrapping key.
pszFileName Fully qualified path to the file to export to.


Status of operation.

Delete this text and replace it with your own content.