ProtectServer External 2 Plus Installation and Configuration

These steps summarize the overall procedure of setting up a cryptographic service provider using a ProtectServer External 2 Plus in network mode. Relevant links to more detailed documentation are provided at each step.

1.Install the ProtectServer External 2 Plus (See SafeNet ProtectServer External 2 Plus Hardware Installation).

2.Check that the ProtectServer External 2 Plus is operating correctly (see First Login and System Test).

3.Configure the ProtectServer External 2 Plusnetwork settings (see Network Configuration).

4.Install and configure the ProtectServer HSM Access Provider software and ProtectToolkit software on your operating system. See the following sections:

Installing ProtectToolkit on Windows

Installing ProtectToolkit on Unix/Linux

Installing ProtectToolkit on Linux Manually

5.Configure the high-level cryptographic API to allow preferred operating modes. Some of these tasks may include:

establishing a trusted channel or secure messaging system (SMS) between the API and the ProtectServer External 2.

establishing communication between the network client and the ProtectServer External 2.

Please refer to the relevant high-level cryptographic API documentation:

About the ProtectToolkit-C Administration Guide

About the ProtectToolkit-J Reference Guide

About the ProtectToolkit-M User Guide