
Returns the address of a hash object for digest operations.


#include “fmciphobj.h”
HashObj * FmCreateHashObject(FMCO_HashObjIndex index);
Option Description

The type of hash object requested. It can have the following values (defined in fmciphobj.h):

>FMCO_IDX_MD2: Implementation of the MD-2 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_MD5: Implementation of the MD-5 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_RMD128: Implementation of the RIPEMD-128 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_RMD160: Implementation of the RIPEMD-160 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_SHA1: Implementation of the SHA-1 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_SHA256: Implementation of the SHA256 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_SHA384: Implementation of the SHA384 algorithm

>FMCO_IDX_SHA512: Implementation of the SHA512 algorithm

This list is correct at time of writing; the actual number of objects supported depends on the HSM firmware version.

Operations supported




Data Block Size


Return Value

The address of the hash object is returned. If the system doesn’t have enough memory to complete operation, NULL is returned.


The returned hash object should be freed by calling its Free() function (See Free).

NOTE   It is the Operating System firmware that provides the HashObject - not the FM SDK. As new versions of OS firmware are developed and released more HashObjects may be added to the list of supported algorithms. Therefore a firmware upgrade may be required to obtain a particular Hash Algorithm.


char buf[100];
char hash[100];
int lenOut;
HashObj *o = FmCreateHashObject(FMCO_IDX_SHA1);
If ( o == NULL )
Return error;
o->Update(o, data, len);
o->Final(o, hash, sizeof(hash), &lenOut);