Hash Object Functions

The generic Hash Object wraps hashing algorithms into a common interface. In this section, the following Hash Object functions are specified:









HashObj destructor

The hash object Free function releases resources used by the object. The object itself will be freed.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*Free)(struct HashObj * ctx);
Parameter Description
ctx pointer to object to destroy

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


Configures the object to perform a hash operation or resets the current Hash operation.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*Init)(struct HashObj * ctx);
Parameter Description
ctx IN/OUT object to modify

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


Uses the object to perform a hash operation or to process more data with the algorithm.

The data passed in buf is passed through the hash algorithm


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*Update)(struct
HashObj * ctx,
const void * buf,
unsigned int length
Parameter Description
ctx IN/OUT object to modify
buf IN message to hash
length IN length of message

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


Final uses the object to finish a hash operation.

If hashVal is NULL, no operation is performed, but the length that would be output is returned in plength.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*Final)(struct
HashObj * ctx,
unsigned char * hashVal,
unsigned int length,
unsigned int * plength
Parameter Description
ctx IN/OUT object to modify
hashVal OUT where to place hash or NULL for length prediction
length IN length of message
plength OUT number of bytes (actually or potentially) returned in hashVal

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


HashObjGetInfo will return information about an initialized HashObj. No sensitive information is returned by this function.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*GetInfo)(struct HashObj * ctx, struct HashInfo * hinfo);
Parameter Description
ctx IN object to query
hinfo OUT pointer to where to store the result (see the HashInfo description below)

HashInfo Structure

Allows application to determine characteristics of the digest algorithm.

struct HashInfo {
char name[32];/**< null terminated ascii string e.g. "SHA-1" */
unsigned int blockLength;/**< optimal hash block size */
unsigned int hashLength;/**< size of hash value */
struct HashObj * hobj; /**< version 1 */
typedef struct HashInfo HashInfo;

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


HashObjLoadParam directly modifies a Hash Object state.

Loads the internal parameters of the hash object from a byte array. If the internal data contains integers, the input byte array should contain big endian values for these integers.

See the particular Hash Class implementation description for details on valid parameter types and their values.

See UnloadParam.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*LoadParam)(struct
HashObj * ctx,
const unsigned char * parameters,
unsigned int paramlen
Parameter Description
ctx IN object to query
parameters IN hash class specific information
paramlen IN length (in bytes) of parameters

ctx: IN/OUT object to modify

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h


HashObjUnloadParam queries a Hash Object state and returns certain information.

Writes the internal parameters of the hash object to a byte array. If the internal data contains integers, the output byte array will contain big endian values for these integers.

See the particular Hash Class implementation description for details on valid parameter types and their values.

See LoadParam.


#include "fmciphobj.h"
int (*UnloadParam)(struct
HashObj * ctx,
unsigned char * parameters,
unsigned int paramlen,
unsigned int * plen
Parameter Description
ctx IN object to query
parameters OUT hash class specific information (depends on pType)
paramlen IN length (in bytes) of parameters
plen OUT where to store the number of bytes returned in parameters (may be * NULL)

Return Value

See CiphObjStat in cipherr.h