Operating Mode Setup

SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C can be used in one of three operating modes. These are:

>PCI mode in conjunction with a locally-installed SafeNet cryptographic services adapter.

>Network mode over a TCP/IP network, in conjunction with a compatible product such as the SafeNet ProtectServer PCIe HSM.

A machine with a SafeNet ProtectServer PCIe HSM installed may also be used as a server in network mode.

>Software-only mode, on a local machine without access to a hardware security module.

Within the client/server runtime environment, the server performs cryptographic processing at the request of the client. The server itself will only operate in one of the hardware runtime modes. 

The software-only version is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows NT and Solaris, and is typically used as a development and testing environment for applications that will eventually use the hardware variant of SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C.

Installation of SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C is part of an operating mode setup.

PCI and Network Operating Modes

1.Install the SafeNet HSM hardware.

This includes assigning an IP address, hostname, gateway, and access control. Consult the relevant installation manual:

SafeNet ProtectServer PCIe HSM Installation Guide

SafeNet ProtectServer Network HSM Installation/Configuration Guide

2.Install the necessary third-party software.

Install the Java runtime, .NET (Windows only) and MSCV (Windows only) software. See System Requirements.

3.Install and configure access provider software.

Access provider software must be installed and configured to support the operating mode. See the SafeNet HSM Access Provider Installation Guide.

4.Install SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C (RT or SDK) and confirm correct operation of the hardware.

See the appropriate section for your system:

Basic Windows Installation

Basic Unix/Linux Installation

5.Configure the secure messaging system (SMS).

Refer to Secure Messaging, Messaging Mode Configuration, and Configuring Session Protection.

6.Establish network communication (network operating mode only).

To establish network communication, the client must be configured to use one or more servers that are available on the same network. Refer to Specifying the Network Server(s).

Software-Only Mode

1.Install the necessary third-party software.

Install the Java runtime, .NET (Windows only) and MSCV (Windows only) software. See System Requirements.

2.Install SafeNet ProtectToolkit-C SDK.

See the appropriate section for your system:

Basic Windows Installation

Basic Unix/Linux Installation

3.Make configuration changes if required.

The installation can be customized to optimize performance. Refer to Software-Only Mode Configuration.