Specifying the Network Server(s)

By default, the net client will attempt to use the local machine as its server. Default values are:

>Server Name =

>Server Port = 12396

It is necessary to configure the client to use a different host by using the ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST configuration item. Several servers may also be specified using this configuration item in which case the services from each server will be available seamlessly to the client.

You can use hostnames, IPv4 addresses, or IPv6 addresses to specify your network servers.

The full syntax for the ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST configuration item is:


UNIX Example

To set the net server to the hostname ptkc.mydomain.com at the system level:

1.Open the file: /etc/default/et_hsm

2.Make the entry: et_hsm_netclient_serverlist=ptkc.mydomain.com

Windows Example

To set the net server to the hostname ptkc.mydomain.com at the system level:

1.Locate the registry key:


2.Assign the value ptkc.mydomain.com to the entry:


Using IPv6 addressing

When specifying a host by its IPv6 address, you must enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets.. All other rules which apply to IPv4 addressing also apply for IPv6 addressing. For example, the following command is valid for a server with an IPv6 address of 2001:db8::221:5eff:fe46:f17e:

export ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST=[2001:db8::221:5eff:fe46:f17e]

Symbolic server names are also supported and they must be declared in the /etc/hosts and /etc/networks files. For example, if the /etc/hosts file contains the following entry:

2001:db8::221:5eff:fe46:f17e  ServerV6

then you can run the following command:


Since the interface ports listen for both IPv6 and IPv4, you can specify both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST configuration item, as follows:

export ET_HSM_NETCLIENT_SERVERLIST=[<IPv6_address>] <IPv4_address>…