slot list

List the available slots on the system. The HSM administrative partition and any application partition are distinct and appear individually in a LunaCM slot list, so at least two slots. Similarly, if you have several local Luna HSMs installed or connected, or if you have Luna Network HSM 7 application partitions Ethernet-connected via NTLS links, then you can have multiple slots represented in a LunaCM slot list.

LunaCM depends on the availability of HSM partitions in order to be useful. If no application partition has been created, then only the HSM SO (administrative) partition is available, against which to run commands.

CAUTION!   If the Chrystoki.conf / Crystoki.ini configuration file [Presentation] setting "ShowAdminTokens=" is set to no, then the HSM administrative partition/slot for any attached HSMs are not available. If you also have not created any application partitions, LunaCM is not usable. If you know you have a working Luna PCIe HSM 7 attached to your Client computer and LunaCM shows no usable commands, or you cannot see the Admin slots, then verify in your Chrystoki.conf or Crystoki.ini file that "ShowAdminTokens" is not set to no. See Configuration File Summary for more information.

Listing backup partitions

Depending on the type of backup HSM and its firmware version, the slot list command may list all of the backup partitions on the backup HSM, or may only list the backup HSM Admin partition:

>For Luna Backup HSM G5s running older firmware, the slot list command lists all of the backup partitions on any attached backup HSMs.

>For Luna Backup HSM 7s and for Luna Backup HSM G5s running newer firmware, the slot list command lists only the Admin partition (which contains the backup partitions) on any attached backup HSMs.

If slot list does not list the backup partitions, use slot set to set the current slot to the backup HSM Admin partition, and then use partition archive list to list the backup partitions contained in the Admin partition.


slot list


lunacm:> slot list
        Current Slot ID:  3

Command Result : No Error

NOTE   Each HSM administrative partition in a slot list includes "HSM Status". The possible values are listed, along with expanded descriptions and possible responses, at HSM Status Values.