partition archive list

Display a list of the backup partitions on a backup device in a specified slot. The description of each backup includes information about the version of cloning protocol used, and the OUID of each SMK type stored on the backup. See V0 and V1 Partitions for more information.


partition archive list -slot <backup_slot> [-debug]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-debug -de Turn on additional error information (optional).
-slot <see description> -s

Target slot containing the backup device. It can be specified by any of the following:

> <slot number>, if the backup slot is in the current system.

>direct to specify a USB attached backup device. If you know the slot number that contains the USB attached HSM, you can specify that slot number explicitly (for example, -s 5)


lunacm:> partition archive list -slot 105

        HSM Storage Information for slot 105:

           Total HSM Storage Space: 33816576
           Used HSM Storage Space:  862832
           Free HSM Storage Space:  32953744
           Allowed Partitions:      100
           Number Of Partitions:    2

        Partition list for slot 105

           Number of partitions: 2
           Label:                     myLunaPar_20200805153131
           Total Storage Size:        56984
           Used Storage Size:         56984
           Free Storage Size:         0
           Number Of Objects:         34

           Partition Cloning Version: 3
           Partition FM Status:       FM Disabled

           Partition SMK OUIDs:
                   SMK-FW4: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW6: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-FM: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-Rollover: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-Primary: Not Initialized

           Label:                     myLunaPar_20200805153614
           Total Storage Size:        78200
           Used Storage Size:         78200
           Free Storage Size:         0
           Number Of Objects:         34

           Partition Cloning Version: 3
           Partition FM Status:       FM Disabled

           Partition SMK OUIDs:
                   SMK-FW4: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW6: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-FM: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-Rollover: Not Initialized
                   SMK-FW7-Primary: 400000003600001402090100

Command Result : No Error

NOTE   If you are migrating a Secure Master Key (SMK) from a Luna 6 HSM to a Luna 7 HSM, in addition to the SMK-FW6, the SMK-FW4 on the Luna 7 HSM is also overwritten by a new one (even if you have not initialized an SMK-FW4 on the Luna 6 HSM by a prior migration) and this command reports the presence of an SMK-FW4 on the Luna 7 HSM.