Backup to Another Luna USB HSM 7

Thales recommends backing up your Luna USB HSM 7 to a second Luna USB HSM 7 unit. This way, the second unit can immediately resume production in case of failure. The partitions on both HSMs must be initialized with the same authentication method (password or iKey) and cloning domain, and they must be connected to the same Luna HSM Client computer. You can clone objects from one Luna USB HSM 7 to the other using direct slot-to-slot cloning, or set up an HA group to synchronize your partition contents between the two HSMs.

Refer to the following sections to set up and use this backup method:

>Installing the Luna USB HSM 7 Hardware for instructions on setting up your second Luna USB HSM 7.

>Cloning Objects to Another Application Partition for instructions on cloning objects to another Luna USB HSM 7 manually.

>Configuring a High-Availability Group for instructions on setting up two Luna USB HSM 7s in an HA group to be synchronized automatically.

NOTE   To use a second Luna USB HSM 7 as a backup, both HSMs must be connected to the same Luna HSM Client computer. If you want to keep backups remotely, you must use a Luna Backup HSM with Remote Backup Service (RBS).