Version Dependencies by Feature

Some of the Luna PCIe HSM 7 functionality described in the documentation has been introduced in updates since the initial product release. For your own reasons, you might wish to apply some aspects of a product update and not others. For example:

>you could choose to update client software while keeping an earlier, FIPS-certified firmware version

>if you are maintaining a large number of client workstations, it might be cumbersome to apply software updates to all of them

The following table outlines the Luna PCIe HSM 7 functions that depend on a certain software/firmware version, or have other requirements you must consider.

Function Minimum Version Requirements Notes

Low-latency HA status

Client: 10.7.0

Query the HA virtual slot to quickly get the status.

Change password for all HA members

Client: 10.7.0

A single lunacm command (invoked on the HA virtual partition slot) changes the CO password for all partitions in that HA group..

Mechanisms/operations blocked

Firmware: 7.8.4

Beginning with Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.4, to align with FIPS 140-3 requirements, any forward operations using 3DES are no longer allowed in approved mode, even if a block/usage counter is in place (forward operation = encrypt, sign, wrap).

ED448 and Curve448 support

Firmware: 7.8.4

Beginning with Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.4, support for Edwards curve 448 and Curve448 is added.

Certificate rotation in HA Mode

Client: 10.6.0

A new certificate is used immediately upon recovery of an HA member, rather than using a cached copy of the outgoing cert, as in previous releases. There is no need to launch a new client instance to invoke a new certificate.

Key translation function for 5G

Firmware: 7.8.2

Allows to securely import subscriber authentication keys into a 5G authentication platform (UDM).

See Luna Key Translation.

Choose whether a password change logs out all sessions

Firmware: 7.8.2

Client: 10.5.1

You can now choose whether open sessions are allowed to continue under the previous authentication until overtly closed (such as during routine password rollover) or are immediately logged out when role changepw, role resetpw.

HMAC accepts zero-byte input

Firmware: 7.8.2

All cryptographic mechanisms with "HMAC" in the name now accept zero-byte input.

Session memory management optimization

Firmware: 7.8.2

Perform appropriate administration tasks, maintain the availability of your platform, and prevent a crash, when applications are lax in releasing resources.

New Configuration File Entry Used to Refresh Partition Label Cache Client: 10.5.1 Refresh application partition and keyring labels without requiring an application restart.
Support for AIX and RHEL 9 Client: 10.5.1 See Supported Operating Systems.
Cluster and Keyring enhancements Client: 10.5.1 Improvements to the Cluster/Keyring evaluation Technical Preview.

Configurable mutex folder on Linux

Client: 10.5.0

Can set a custom location for temporary files. See Configuration File Summary.

Universal Cloning

Firmware: 7.8.1

Client: 10.5.0


>Updated encryption

>Enhanced cipher suite options

>Multiple domains per partition

>Session Key lifetime management

See Universal Cloning.

NOTE: Firmware 7.8.0 was replaced by firmware 7.8.1 so as to have the most robust candidate possible under FIPS evaluation. Any features that were originally attributed to 7.8.0 are listed in this table as belonging to firmware 7.8.1, and 7.8.0 is withdrawn.

ECIES Hardware Acceleration using Curve25519

Firmware: 7.7.2

Adds enhanced performance for ECIES using Curve25519.


Firmware: 7.7.2

processing of Subscription Concealed Identifier (SUCI) de-concealment requests. See CKM_ECIES.

Key Wrapping/Unwrapping with AES GCM

Firmware: 7.7.2

Supports wrap/unwrap operations using the CKM_AES_GCM mechanism.

Validate Integrity of Functionality Modules

Firmware: 7.7.2

Assist the verification of FMs in compliance with industry and national standards. See FMSW_GetImage API to validate an FM.

Clone Objects From Multifactor Quorum-Authenticated Luna HSMs to Luna Cloud HSM

Client: 10.4.1

You can now use Luna Cloud HSM services to back up any Luna 7 HSM securely in the cloud.

CMU allows Crypto User Login

Client: 10.4.0 Refer to cmu.

Updates and Enhancements to High Availability Functionality

Client: 10.4.0

>SimMultisign in JCPROV (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0)

>ECIES structure CK_ECIES_PARAMS_EXT in JCPROV (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0)
>New HA Login API in JCPROV (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0). Includes a new sample,

>SHA-3 in JCPROV/JSP (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.4.2)

>BIP32 Sample Java Application Extended to Demonstrate BIP44 Key Derivation (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.3.0)

Refer to Luna HSM Client 10.4.0 and Luna HSM Client 10.4.0 for more information.

Updates and Enhancements to Java Provider

Client: 10.4.0

>OUID Methods GetObjectUID and GetObjectHandle Usable With HA Groups

>CK_MILENAGE_SIGN_PARAMS can now be used in HA Groups (requires minimum Luna HSM Firmware 7.4.2)

Refer to High-Availability Groups.


Client: 10.4.0

Now possible to set CKA_EXTRACTABLE when creating private keys using Luna KSP.

V0 and V1 partitions

>Compare Behavior of Pre-Firmware 7.7, and V0, and V1 Partitions

Client: 10.3.0

Appliance: 7.7

Firmware: 7.7.0

This new cloning protocol is a necessary underpinning for some of the features that ensure eIDAS compatibility. It affects backup and restore operations, High Availability, Scalable Key Storage. Migration from earlier cloning-version HSMs is one-way V0/V1 HSMs/partitions can accept and decrypt older objects, but can encrypt and export only V0/V1 objects.

Scalable Key Storage

>Scalable Key Storage

Client: 10.3.0

Appliance: 7.7

Firmware: 7.7.0

SKS allows off-boarding of objects and keys as encrypted blobs, for handling of much greater numbers of objects than can be contained within the HSM. With firmware 7.7.0, backup and restore and HA are implemented using SKS blobs, while the latest cloning protocol is used for replicating or archiving the SKS Master Key (that encrypts and decrypts the blobs).
Migration from the earlier version of SKS in firmware 6.xis supported, but the reverse direction is not.

Per-Key Authorization (PKA)

>Per-Key Authorization

Client: 10.3.0

Appliance: 7.7

Firmware: 7.7.0

PKA meets a requirement of PP 419-221.5, and allows each key in a partition to have its own authorization and rules governing its use, including integration with a SAM. and sole control of keys. The resulting overhead increases the size of partition headers, affecting the size and number of objects that can be stored, which invokes new considerations for backup and restore.

Existing applications (with no PKA awareness) can still work if the new Client Cryptoki library is installed. Existing partitions become "backward compatible" when the HSM is upgraded to f/w 7.7.0. New partitions can be backward compatible or PP 419-221.5-compatible by setting an option at creation time.

Luna Backup HSM 7 Firmware 7.7.1

>Updating the Luna Backup HSM 7 Firmware

>Rolling Back the Luna Backup HSM 7 Firmware

Client: 10.3.0

Appliance: 7.7.0

The Luna Backup HSM 7 requires minimum firmware 7.7.1 to back up and restore Luna 7.7.x partitions, or to migrate keys from Luna HSMs using older firmware. You require, at minimum, Luna HSM Client 10.3.0 to upgrade the Luna G7 Backup HSM firmware.

Initialize the orange RPV key remotely

>Remote RPV Initialization

Firmware: 7.7.0

Client: 10.3.0


Support for 3GPP, SM2/SM4, and SHA-3 Cryptographic Algorithms

>3GPP Mechanisms for 5G Mobile Networks

>SM2/SM4 Mechanisms

>SHA-3 Mechanisms

Firmware: 7.4.2

Client: 10.2
(or patched 7.4)

Refer also to Firmware 7.4.2 Mechanisms for descriptions of the applicable mechanisms. Refer to the Luna HSM Firmware 7.4.2 Technical Note for installation instructions.

DPoD Luna Cloud HSM Support

>Adding a Luna Cloud HSM Service

Client: 10.1 Refer to Cloning Keys Between Luna 6, Luna 7, and Luna Cloud HSM, Password or Multifactor Quorum for more information on using a Luna Cloud HSM service with Luna HSMs.

Remote PED Server Support on Linux Clients

>About Remote PED

Client: 10.1  

Luna Backup HSM 7 Support

>Luna Backup HSM 7 Using Remote Multifactor Quorum Authentication

Client: 10.1  

Functionality Modules

>Functionality Modules

>About the FM SDK Programming Guide

Hardware: FM-Ready

Firmware: 7.4.0

Client: 7.4

Refer to Preparing the Luna PCIe HSM 7 to Use FMs for an overview of hardware/software/firmware requirements.

Support for BIP32 Cryptographic Algorithms

>BIP32 Mechanism Support and Implementation

Firmware: 7.3.0

Client: 7.3.0

Refer also to Firmware 7.3.0 Mechanisms for descriptions of the applicable mechanisms.

Partition Utilization Metrics

>Partition Utilization Metrics

Firmware: 7.3.0

Client: 7.3


Improved Luna HSM Client

>Version-Compatible Luna HSM Client (Luna HSMs version 6.2.1 and higher)

>Modifying the Installed Windows Luna HSM Client Software

>User-Defined Luna HSM Client install paths

Client: 7.2

>Luna HSM Client 10.1 or higher is required to use Luna partitions with DPoD Luna Cloud HSM services

>The PE1756Enabled setting on Luna 6.x HSMs is not supported for use with the Version-Compatible Luna HSM Client

>Minimum OS requirements for Luna HSM Client 7.2 must be met (Refer to the CRN for details)

Re-label partitions

>partition changelabel

Firmware: 7.2.0

Client: 7.2

Crypto User can clone public objects Firmware: 7.2.0

The Crypto User (CU) role has always been able to create public objects, but not clone them. In HA mode, this would cause the replication and subsequent object creation operations to fail. Firmware 7.2.0 allows the CU to clone public objects, and therefore to perform operations on HA groups without Crypto Officer authentication.

Configure partition policies for export of private keys

>Configuring the Partition for Cloning or Export of Private/Secret Keys

Firmware: 7.1.0

You can configure partition policies for Cloning or Key Export Mode manually, as long as you have updated the HSM firmware. To set these modes using Policy Templates, you must meet the Policy Template requirements.

Policy Templates

>Setting HSM Policies Using a Template

>Setting Partition Policies Using a Template

Firmware: 7.1.0

Client: 7.1