token backup init

Initializes the Backup HSM with the specified serial number and prepares it to receive backup data. Both the -label and -serial parameters are required at the command line. For password-authenticated Luna Backup HSMs, the domain and HSM SO password are prompted, and your input is obscured by asterisk (*) symbols. For multifactor quorum-authenticated HSMs, any typed values for domain or password are ignored and you are prompted for Luna PED operations with PED keys.

An external Luna Backup HSM can be USB-connected to a Luna Network HSM 7 appliance for local backup/restore operations.

Luna Network HSM 7 does not pass Luna PED operations and data through to an externally-connected Luna Backup HSM from a Luna PED connected locally to the Luna Network HSM 7.

If the Backup HSM is multifactor quorum-authenticated, then the options for Luna PED connection are:

>local SCP-PED connection directly to the Backup HSM (Luna Backup HSM G5 only)

>Remote PED connection, passed through the Luna Network HSM 7 (Luna Backup HSM G5, Luna Backup HSM 7 v1 or v2, requires minimum Luna Appliance Software 7.7.0, use procedure for Luna Backup HSM 7 Connected to Luna Network HSM 7 Using Remote Multifactor Quorum Authentication)

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




token backup init -label <label> -serial <serialnum> [-domain <domain>] [-tokenadminpw <password>] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-domain <domain> -d Backup partition domain (required for password-authenticated HSMs, ignored for multifactor quorum-authenticated - if you prefer to not type it in the clear, on the command line, it is prompted later).
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-label <label> -l Backup partition label.
-serial <serialnum> -s Luna Backup HSM serial number.
-tokenadminpw <password> -t Backup HSM SO password (required for password-authenticated HSMs, ignored for multifactor quorum-authenticated - if you prefer to not type it in the clear, on the command line, it is prompted later).


lunash:>token backup init -label sa7docbackup -serial 496771

  Please enter a password for the Token Administrator:
  > ********

  Please re-enter password to confirm:
  > ********

  Please enter a cloning domain used when initializing this HSM:
  > *********

  Please re-enter cloning domain to confirm:
  > *********

CAUTION:  Are you sure you wish to initialize the backup
          token named:   sa7docbackup
          Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.
          > proceed

'token backup init' successful.

Command Result : 0 (Success)