Third Party Software Licenses

Open Source Software Components Used in Thales Luna Network HSM 7

The Software contains certain third party software, including Open Source Software Components, as listed below. Any use of the Open Source Software Components is subject to the applicable license agreements, referenced below. If you choose to distribute or otherwise use the Open Source Software Components independent of the Software, you may only do so in accordance with the applicable licenses below, and any and all proprietary notices of Thales DIS CPL USA, Inc., must be removed from any resulting product. In no event shall you state or imply that a derivative product you created with the Open Source Software Components is produced by Thales or otherwise endorsed or supported by Thales.

The hyperlinks to the following third party software licenses are valid as of the publishing date of this document. The Internet links and license statements provided here are for your information only. Full information about copyright notices are included in all copies or substantial portions of such software.

Luna HSM Client

Client 10.5.x / 10.6.x

Component License
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
GNU Compiler Collection

GNU LGPL v2.1 or later (

GNU LGPL v3.0 or later (

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

GNU GPL v3.0 or later (

grpc MPLv2 (
libuuid BSD-3-Clause (
openssl OpenSSL and SSLeay (
Orsonwang/pkcs11 BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" (
SQLite Public Domain (

Client 10.4.x

Component License
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
dd-agent BSD-3-Clause (
editline Editline BSD License (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
SQLite Public Domain

BSD-4-Clause University of California-Specific (

Boost Software License 1.0 (

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (

zlib License (

MIT License (

Client 7.2.0 / 7.3.0 / 7.4.0 / 10.1.0 / 10.2.0 / 10.3.0

Component License
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
dd-agent BSD-3-Clause (
editline Editline BSD License (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
SQLite Public Domain

BSD-4-Clause University of California-Specific (

Boost Software License 1.0 (

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License (

zlib License (

MIT License (

Client 7.1.0

Component License
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
dd-agent BSD-3-Clause (
editline Editline BSD License (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (

Client 7.0.0

Component License
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
dd-agent BSD-3-Clause (
editline Editline BSD License (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (

Luna Network HSM 7 Appliance Software

Appliance Software 7.8.x

Component License

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" (

Artistic License 1.0 (

ISC License (

Linux kernel

GNU GPL v2.0 only (


GNU GPL v2.0 only (

Alpine-keys MIT License (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

Brotli MIT License (

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

MPLv2 (

Curl curl License (
Earthly MPLv2 (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

Geoip GNU GPL v3.0 or later (
Gianarb/testcontainer-go MIT License (
Git GNU GPL v2.0 or later (
GNU Autoconf GNU GPL v3.0 or later w/Autoconf exception (
GNU Automake

MIT License (

Public Domain

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

GNU Binutils GNU GPL v2.0 or later (
GNU Compiler Collection

GNU LGPL v2.1 or later (

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

GNU Libtool GNU GPL v3.0 or later (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

Klibc-kinit GNU GPL v2.0 or later (
Libmodsecurity-devel Apache-2.0 (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

libstdc++ GNU GPL v3.0 w/GCC Runtime Library exception (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

Libxml2 MIT License (

GNU GPL v2.0 only (

Modsecurity-crs Apache-2.0 (
Musl MIT License (
Ncurses MIT (
Nginx BSD 2-clause (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL and SSLeay (

Artistic License 1.0 (Perl) (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

Perl 5 Encode

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (


Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (


Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (


Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (


Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

SpiderLabs/ModSecurity-nginx Apache-2.0 (

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v1.0 or later (

Time Zone Database Public Domain
XZ Utils

Artistic License 1.0 (

GNU GPL v2.0 or later (

Yajl-c BSD-3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license (

Appliance Software 7.7.1

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.7.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.4.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.3.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.2.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.1.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Appliance Software 7.0.0

Component License
Better-sqlite3 MIT (
Boost C++ Libraries BSL-1.0 (
editline Editline BSD License (
JQuery Apache-2.0 (
lua MIT (
MCP2210-Library Apache-2.0 (
Net-SNMP BSD-3-Clause (
Network Time Protocol project (NTP) GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
OpenSSH BSD-3-Clause (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Rapidjson MIT (
SQLite Public Domain
Kernel OS Long Term Support (LTS) kernel: 4.14.44 (2018-6-6) changes can be found in changelog:
Tclap MIT (

Luna Network HSM 7 Cluster Package

Cluster 7.8.x

Component License
Gemalto Alpine Base Core (Alpine)  
asyncio-nats-client Apache-2.0 (
boost C++ BSL-1.0 (
bzip2 bzip2-1.0.6 (

MPLv2 (



MPLv2 (

chai MIT (
chai-http MIT (
chardet LGPL 2.1 (

Apache-2.0 (

BSD-3-Clause (

curl curl (
enum34 BSD-3-Clause (
express MIT (
futures PSF 2.0 (
grpc MPLv2 (

Creative Commons 4.0 (

Apache-2.0 (

idna BSD-3-Clause (
ignite Apache-2.0 (
jackson Apache-2.0 (
libffi-dev MIT (

GPL-2.0 or later (

LGPL 2.1 or later (


GPL-2.0 or later (

LGPL 2.1 or later (

libuuid BSD-3-Clause (

GPL v3.0 (

LGPL v3.0 (


Apache-2.0 (

BSD-2-Clause (

mocha MIT (
mysql-client GPL-2.0 (
nats-c Apache-2.0 (
nats-java Apache-2.0 (
nats-server Apache-2.0 (
ncurses-libs MIT (
ncurses-terminfo-base MIT (
netifaces MIT (
nodejs MIT (
npm Artistic 2.0 (
nyc ISC (
openjdk8-jre GPL-2.0 with classpath exception (
openssl OpenSSL and SSLeay (
paramiko LGPL 2.1 (
pip MIT (
protobuf Java Google Inc (
protobuf-c BSD-2.0 (
pyinotify MIT (
pyopenssl Apache-2.0 (
python PSF 2.0 (
python_pam MIT (
python-crontab LGPL 3.0 (
pyyaml MIT (
requests Apache-2.0 (

LGPL 2.1 (

six MIT (

blessing (

Public Domain (

sudo ISC (
tzdata Public Domain (
unzip Custom (
urllib3 MIT (
winston MIT (
winston-syslog MIT (
zlib Zlib (

Luna HSM Firmware

Firmware 7.8.x

Component License
Libdecaf      (f/w 7.8.7) MIT (
Libsodium ISC (
Linux kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (
Linux-misc GPL-2.0 (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (
Protobuf BSD-3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license (
Protobuf-c BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License(
Protocol Buffer Java Util Package BSD-3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license (
U-boot GNU GPL v2.0 only (
Ubuntu linux-base GNU GPL v1.0 only (

Firmware 7.7.x

Component License
Libsodium13 ISC (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (

Firmware 7.4.0

Component License
Libsodium13 ISC (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (
OpenSSL OpenSSL (

Firmware 7.3.3

Component License
Libsodium13 ISC (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (

Firmware 7.2.0

Component License
Libsodium13 ISC (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (

Firmware 7.0.3 / 7.1.0

Component License
Libsodium13 ISC (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 with exceptions (

Luna Backup HSM 7 Firmware

Firmware 7.7.x

Component License
OpenSSL OpenSSL and SSLeay (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 without exceptions (
libsodium ISC (
libjansson MIT (
crypto-dev GPL-v2+ (
uboot GPL-v2+ (


Firmware 7.3.2

Component License
OpenSSL OpenSSL and SSLeay (
Linux Kernel GPL-2.0 without exceptions (
libsodium ISC (
libjansson MIT (
crypto-dev GPL-v2+ (
uboot GPL-v2+ (