sysconf ssh ciphers set

Sets the SSH ciphers for the appliance.

If -list is provided alone, the SSH ciphers list in the command becomes the new list, replacing any that were previously configured.

If the -add option is provided, then the -add list is appended to the currently configured SSH ciphers list.
If the -remove option is provided, then the -remove list is removed from the currently configured ciphers.

Removing all ciphers is not possible; one must remain configured.

The client-side priority preference takes precedence during SSH cipher negotiation.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




sysconf sh ciphers set -list <cipher list>[ -add | -remove] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-add -a

Add to the Configured SSH Ciphers List

-list <cipher list> -l

Colon Separated List of Ciphers

when used with -add this is the list of ciphers that will be appended below any currently-configured ciphers;

when used with -remove this is the list of ciphers that will be removed from the currently-configured ciphers;

when used with no option, this is the list of ciphers that will replace all currently-configured ciphers

-remove -r Remove from the Configured SSH Ciphers List
-force -f

Force the action.

Example setting a list of ciphers

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list aes192-ctr:aes256-ctr:aes128-ctr

This operation will set the SSH cipher(s) to use the following cipher(s):

Configured Ciphers 

This operation will restart the SSH service.
Type 'proceed' to set SSH cipher(s) and restart the SSH service, or 'quit'
    to quit now. > proceed

Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Command Result : 0 (Success) 

Example adding ciphers to an existing list

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list aes128-cbc:aes256-cbc -add

This operation will set the SSH cipher(s) to use the following cipher(s):

Configured Ciphers 

This operation will restart the SSH service.
Type 'proceed' to set SSH cipher(s) and restart the SSH service, or 'quit'
    to quit now. > proceed

Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Example removing ciphers from an existing list

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list aes192-ctr:aes128-ctr:aes128-cbc -remove

This operation will set the SSH cipher(s) to use the following cipher(s):

Configured Ciphers 

This operation will restart the SSH service.
Type 'proceed' to set SSH cipher(s) and restart the SSH service, or 'quit'
    to quit now. > proceed

Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Command Result : 0 (Success) 

Examples of incorrect usage

Attempting to set or add improper ciphers

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list invalid-cipherA:deprecated-cipherB:made-up-cipherC

Error: The following SSH cipher(s) are invalid:

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)

Attempting to remove ciphers that are not already among those configured

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list aes192-ctr:arcfour -remove

Error: Cannot remove the following SSH cipher(s), as they are not currently configured:

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)

Attempting to remove all ciphers, leaving none configured

lunash:>sysconf ssh ciphers set -list aes256-ctr:aes256-cbc -remove

Error: Cannot remove all currently configured SSH ciphers.

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)