sysconf config restore

Restore configuration of the selected services from a backup file. This command automatically creates a backup file of the current configurations before restoring a previous configuration. You can restore the previous configurations from this backup if the new settings are not acceptable.

NOTE   If the configuration content is less than 64 KB, a single file is generated with a name that includes the creation date and time.

If the sysconf config backup command detects that your configuration is more than 64 KB, then it breaks the config content into chunks, each of less than 64 KB. The backup chunk files get the same name, except that each has a sequential number appended. An additional generated file contains a hash of all the chunk files, and is used to reassemble the large backup when you later restore with sysconf config restore (Luna Network HSM 7 appliance software version 7.8.5 onward).

If you store your appliance configuration on an HSM (using sysconf config export) you must first use the command sysconf config import to import the configuration file from the HSM to the appliance file system before using this restore command.

The service(s) must be stopped before restoring their configuration.

You must reboot the appliance for the changes to take effect. Please check the new configurations before rebooting or restarting the services.

Certificates, if any, are added to the backup archive, and are restored to the strust store upon config restore.

NOTE   This command does not restore the HSM (crypto module) and Partition configurations (see hsm restore and partition restore for more information).

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



sysconf config restore -file <filename> -service <service> [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-file <filename> -fi Name of the configuration backup file to restore.
-force -fo Force the action without prompting.
-service <service> -s

The service name.

Valid values: network,ssh,ntls,ctc,syslog,ntp,snmp,users,system,webserver,all

Service syslog uses the same certificates as audit log encryption. [ release 7.8.5 onward]

Example (pre-7.8.5)

lunash:>sysconf config restore -file local_host_Config_20170301_1212.tar.gz -service ntls

WARNING !! This command restores the configuration from the backup file: local_host_Config_20170301_1212.tar.gz.
It first creates a backup of the current configuration before restoring: local_host_Config_20170301_1212.tar.gz.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'.

> proceed

Created configuration backup file: local_host_Config_20170301_1222.tar.gz

Restore the ntls configuration: Succeeded.

You must either reboot the appliance or restart the service(s) for the changes to take effect.
Please check the new configurations BEFORE rebooting or restarting the services.
You can restore the previous configurations if the new settings are not acceptable.

Command Result : 0 (Success)


NOTE   The changes you might notice compared with the pre-7.8.5 example could be that

>backups created after Luna Network HSM 7 appliance software 7.8.5 would have either "all" or a single service in the filename

>backups created after Luna Network HSM 7 appliance software 7.8.5 could be larger than 64 KB and therefore be spread across multiple files (that must all be stored, handled, used together).