keyring delete

Delete a specified keyring.

NOTE   Thales requires minimum Luna Appliance Software 7.8.5 with the lnh_cluster-1.0.4 package, Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.4, and Luna HSM Client 10.7.2 to use clusters in production environments.

REST API: DELETE /api/keyrings/{keyringID}

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



keyring delete {-keyringid <string> | -label <name>} [-copassword <password>] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-copassword -c Specifies the Crypto Officer password for the partition used to create the keyring. If this option is omitted on a password-authenticated HSM, LunaSH prompts for the password. If this option is included on a multifactor quorum-authenticated HSM and the partition is not activated, it is ignored.
-keyringid -k Specifies the UUID of the keyring to be deleted. Use lunash:> keyring list to display a list of available keyrings and their UUIDs.
-label -l Specifies the label of the keyring to be deleted.
-force -f Delete the keyring without asking for confirmation.


lunash:>keyring delete -copassword iamtheCO -keyringid e921c334-3d11-4797-a10f-e98bc9ed5621

WARNING !!  This command will delete keyring e921c334-3d11-4797-a10f-e98bc9ed5621.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'

> proceed

Keyring e921c334-3d11-4797-a10f-e98bc9ed5621 was sucessfully deleted.

Command Result : 0 (Success)