hsm stc rekeyThreshold show
Display the rekey threshold for the symmetric key used to encrypt data on the secure trusted channel (STC) admin channel. The STC admin channel is local to the appliance, and is used to transmit data between the local services and applications running on the appliance (such as LunaSH, NTLS, and the STC service) and the HSM SO partition.
NOTE The STC admin channel is configurable using Luna Appliance Software 7.4.0 and older, and Luna HSM Firmware 7.4.2 and older. This feature is not available in Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0 and newer.
The symmetric key is used the number of times specified by the threshold value, after which it is regenerated and the counter is reset to 0. Each command sent to the HSM over the STC link uses one life.
User Privileges
Users with the following privileges can perform this command:
hsm stc rekeyThreshold show
lunash:>hsm stc rekeyThreshold show Current rekey threshold for HSM is 400 million messages. Command Result : 0 (Success)