hsm ped timeout set

Set the remote PED connection (rped), PED key interaction (pedk), or PED operation (pedo) timeout values:

>rped - is the connection inactivity timeout. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

>pedk - is for PED key activities in particular. The default and minimum setting is 200 seconds. If you are using M of N for your HSM roles, it might be useful to increase this value so that there is time for each required user to present their PED key (maximum 600 seconds).

>pedo - is for the entire Luna PED operation. The default is 920 seconds. It should only be necessary to increase this if you are migrating a large number of orange PED keys for use with Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0 or newer.

After rped expires, you must re-establish the Remote PED link with hsm ped disconnect and hsm ped connect before issuing any HSM or application partition commands that require PED interaction.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




hsm ped timeout set -type <type> -seconds <seconds>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-seconds <seconds*> -s

Specifies the timeout value, in seconds, for the specified type,
*except that type wdel is in microseconds.

Defaults: 1800 (rped), 200 (pedk), 920 (pedo), none (wdel)

-type <type> -t

Specifies the timeout type.

Valid values:

>rped - set the remote PED connection inactivity timeout.

[Range 1-to-99999]

[Default 1800 seconds (set the value of -seconds to zero to reset to default)]

>pedk - set the PED key timeout.

[Range 200-to-600]

[Default 200 seconds (set the value of -seconds to zero to reset to default)]

>pedo - set the total Luna PED operation timeout. [Range 920-to-99999]

>wdel -set the PED write delay in microseconds

[Range 0-to-10000];

can be viewed if the string "server" is appended to hsm ped show command. like hsm ped show server A PED write delay (-type wdel) of 0 s OFF... no default.


lunash:>hsm ped timeout set -type pedk -seconds 500

Set the timeout value to 500 seconds.

Command Result : 0 (Success)