cluster show

Display information about the specified cluster, including the number of keyrings and keys created, number of authorized members, number of sessions and a breakdown of some crypto operations performed by the cluster.

NOTE   Thales recommends Luna Appliance Software 7.8.3 with cluster package 1.0.3, Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.2, and Luna HSM Client 10.6.0 to use clusters.

The operation counts on a single-member cluster are reset to zero if the cluster service is reset. If the cluster has multiple members, this information will be retained.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





cluster show -clusterid <string>

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-clusterid -c Specifies the UUID for the cluster to be displayed.


lunash:>cluster show -clusterid ac2a0f56-626e-4c91-a379-489b789a47e7

Cluster Label:  cluster00
Cluster ID:     ac2a0f56-626e-4c91-a379-489b789a47e7
CA certificate:
       SHA1 Fingerprint: 2A:D2:1E:D9:44:82:64:7C:5E:A3:3C:0C:3C:95:68:10:22:70:C3:4E
     SHA256 Fingerprint: 37:F2:67:58:DF:8E:08:C9:DE:FC:25:91:48:64:9B:7A:20:C6:97:4C:86:CA:96:4F:4F:B1:E0:7A:AA:2F:ED:A5
        Expiration Date: Jul 23 21:10:40 2032 GMT
Member:         2 out of 2 authorized
KeyRingCount:   249        KeyCount:           380
Session:        11 out of 11 authenticated
Crypto operations:
    sign/verify    encrypt/decrypt    wrap/unwrap    key generation
    1009              3                 12             14

Command Result : 0 (Success)