cluster delete

Delete the cluster on the appliance.

NOTE   Thales recommends Luna Appliance Software 7.8.3 with cluster package 1.0.3, Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.2, and Luna HSM Client 10.6.0 to use clusters.

CAUTION!   If the cluster being deleted is registered to any clients, you must also delete the cluster's information from the client's configuration file (see Removing a Cluster From the Luna HSM Client).

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



cluster delete -clusterid <string> [-password <password>] [-reset] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-clusterid -c Specifies the UUID for the cluster to be deleted.
-force -f Delete the cluster without asking for confirmation.
-password -p The HSM SO password. If this option is omitted on a password-authenticated HSM, LunaSH prompts for the password. If this option is included on a multifactor quorum-authenticated HSM, it is ignored.
-reset -r Also delete the cluster service core IP address and the cluster certificate. If this option is specified, you must complete the procedure for Configuring the Luna Network HSM 7 for Clustering again on this appliance. If -reset is not specified, you can create a new cluster or join an existing one after starting the cluster service.


lunash:>cluster delete -clusterid ac2a0f56-626e-4c91-a379-489b789a47e7 -password iamtheHSMSO

WARNING: This operation will delete the Cluster !!!

Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.


Cluster ac2a0f56-626e-4c91-a379-489b789a47e7 was sucessfully deleted.

Command Result : 0 (Success)