audit log clear

Clear all of the audit log files from an HSM. The callback service (CBS), that gets log entries from the HSM card to the appliance file system, is stopped prior to clearing logs, so there is no interference with the current log entries being exported to file. CBS then resumes prior to the next configured log-entry transfer.

NOTE   Audit log and syslog entries are timestamped in UTC format.

User Privileges

Only specialized Audit users can access audit commands.


audit log clear [-serial <serialnum>] [-force]

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-force -f

Force the action without prompting.

-serial <serialnum> -s

Specifies the serial number of the HSM from which you want to clear the logs. This option s required only when there are multiple attached HSMs.


lunash:>audit log clear

   *** WARNING ***

        All audit logs for this HSM will be destroyed!!!

        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type proceed to continue, or quit to quit now -> proceed

Command Result : 0 (Success)