hsm envshow
Display environmental status information for the card. The following information is displayed:
>the card temperature.
>the card temperature warning threshold. If the card reaches this temperature, a warning is displayed in the output and logged.
>the status of the fans.
>the battery voltage.
>the battery voltage warning threshold. If the battery voltage falls below this level, a warning is displayed in the output and logged.
NOTE The hsm commands appear only when LunaCM's active slot is set to the administrative partition
hsm envshow
Normal conditions
lunacm:>hsm envshow Environmental: Fan 1 Status : standby Fan 2 Status : active Battery Voltage : 3.093 V Battery Warning Threshold Voltage : 2.750 V System Temp : 35 deg. C System Temperature Warning Threshold : 75 deg. C Command Result : No Error
Temperature/voltage outside warning threshold
lunacm:> hsm envshow Environmental: Fan 1 Status : failed Fan 2 Status : active Battery Voltage : 2.615 V Battery Warning Threshold Voltage : 2.750 V WARNING: Battery Voltage below warning threshold!! System Temp : 77 deg. C System Temperature Warning Threshold : 75 deg. C WARNING: System Temperature above warning threshold!! Command Result : No Error