HIFACE Reply Management Functions

This section contains the legacy reply buffer management functions which are based on random access to the request and reply buffers. In this scheme the FM has access to the whole request and reply buffers and can read and write at any location within these buffers.

Each command that is sent to the FM has a token associated with it that links to the request buffer and, optionally, a reply buffer. When the command presented to the FM the token has a request buffer tied to it, but there is no reply buffer, it is the responsibility of the FM to allocate a reply buffer appropriate for the specific command. Reply buffers are optional, if the command only needs to return a status then no reply buffer is required. Typically a Functionality Module command will not send back a reply message if the status is non zero. The entire reply buffer is always returned to the caller, so the FM must set up the length before calling SVC_SendReply.

The Message Random Access section contains the following functions:









