Luna Appliance Software 7.3.1
Luna Appliance Software 7.3.1 was released in November 2018 and consists of an appliance software update only. It includes important bug fixes and security updates.
>Download Luna Appliance Software 7.3.1
Valid Update Path
You can update the Luna Appliance Software to version 7.3.1 from version 7.3.0.
Advisory Notes
This section highlights important issues you should be aware of before deploying appliance software 7.3.1.
Install Luna Network HSM 7 Reboot Patch Before Updating to Luna 7.3.1
Thales recommends installing the Luna Network HSM 7 Reboot Patch before upgrading to Luna Appliance Software 7.3.1.
Re-apply the Luna Network HSM 7 Reboot Patch to Older Luna Appliance Software Versions
The Luna Network HSM 7 Reboot Patch is recommended for all Luna Network HSM 7s. Appliances currently shipped from the factory have this patch already installed, but if you use Luna Appliance Software 7.4.0 or older in your production environment, you must re-apply the patch after performing one or both of the following actions:
>Re-imaging the appliance to Luna Appliance Software 7.2.0 and Luna HSM Firmware 7.0.3
>Updating to Luna Appliance Software 7.4.0 or older
Luna Appliance Software 7.3.x Does Not Support 10G Optical Ethernet
The Luna Network HSM 7 with 10G optical ethernet capability is not supported by Luna Appliance Software 7.3.x. If you have a 10G-ready appliance, update appliance software to Luna Appliance Software 7.4.0 or newer only.
CAUTION! Do not update the 10G appliance to Luna Appliance Software 7.3.x.
The port mapping will revert to the 1G configuration and you will lose 10G support. The appliance might require RMA to fix the port mapping.
NTP Server May Take Slightly Longer to Connect/Disconnect After Updating to Luna Appliance Software 7.3.x or newer
If you are using NTP, then after you update to Luna Appliance Software 7.3.x you might find that the Luna Network HSM 7 appliance takes longer to synchronize with the NTP server.
To reduce the synchronization time, specify the -iburst option when adding an NTP server:
lunash:> sysconf ntp addserver <hostname/IP> -iburst
This causes the server to more rapidly synchronize when first connecting/reconnecting.