Remote PED Setup

A Remote PED connection allows you to access PED-authenticated HSMs that are kept in a secure data center or other remote location where physical access is restricted or inconvenient. This section provides instructions for setting up different Remote PED configurations.

The procedure for setting up a Remote PED connection can be broken down into the following general steps:

1.Initializing the Remote PED Vector and Creating an Orange Remote PED Key

2.Installing PEDserver and Setting Up the Remote Luna PED

3.Opening a Remote PED Connection

HSM-Initiated Remote PED

PED-Initiated Remote PED

4.[OPTIONAL] Ending or Switching the Remote PED Connection

If you encounter issues with Remote PED, see Remote PED Troubleshooting.

Once Remote PED is set up, see PED Key Management.

If you are updating to Luna 7.7.0, you must update your orange PED keys along with the Luna PED firmware. See Migrating the Orange Remote PED Key For Luna 7.7.0 or Newer.