status sysstat code

Display descriptions for the system status codes displayed on the appliance front-panel LCD. You can display information for all of the codes, or you can specify a specific code for which you want to display a description.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:





status sysstat code {all | <status_code>}

Option Shortcut Description
all a Display descriptions for all system status codes. See Front-panel LCD Display in the Appliance Administration Guide for a detailed description of all of the possible status codes.
<status_code>   Specifies the system status code for which you want to display information.


lunash:>status sysstat code all
Code    State   Description
0       ISO     In service and operational.
15      OOS     The cluster service is not running.
                Run "cluster show" and commands to view log files for more information.
20      OOS     The NTLS service is not running.
                Run commands to display NTLS status for more information.
25      OOS     The NTLS is not bound to an Ethernet device.
                Run commands to display NTLS status and to view log files for more information.
                See help on how to bind an NTLS interface.
30      OOS     The HSM service has experienced one or more errors.
                Or the HSM service has experienced one or more critical events.
                Run "hsm show" and commands to view HSM log files for more information.
40      OOS     The cobradb service is not running.
                Run commands to show network connection details and to view log files for more information.
50      OFL     No Ethernet interfaces are connected to the network.
                Run commands to display network status and to view log files for more information.
60      ISO     eth0 is offline.
                Run the command to restart the network service if it is not running.
                Run the command to show network status for more information.
61      ISO     eth1 is offline.
                Run the command to restart the network service if it is not running.
                Run the command to show network status for more information.
62      ISO     eth2 is offline.
                Run the command to restart the network service if it is not running.
                Run the command to show network status for more information.
63      ISO     eth3 is offline.
                Run the command to restart the network service if it is not running.
                Run the command to show network status for more information.
70      IST     The logging service is not running.
                Run commands to display the logging service status and to view log files for more information.
                Run the command to restart the logging service if it is not running.
80      ISO     The STC service is not running.
                Run commands to display STC status for more information.
90      IST     The SSH service is not running.
                Run commands to display the SSH service status and to view log files for more information.
                Run the command to restart the SSH service if it is not running.
95      ISO     The webserver service is not running.
                Run commands to display webserver status for more information.
100     ISO     The SNMP service is not running.
                Run commands to display the SNMP service status and to view log files for more information.
                Run the command to restart the SNMP service if it is not running.
110     IST     One or more partitions on the disk drive are reaching maximum capacity.
                Run commands to delete files and clear logs to free some disk space.
Command Result : 0 (Success)