Logging In to the Appliance

When you open a connection to the appliance (serial or SSH) you are presented with the login as: prompt. By default, only the "admin" user is enabled; the other roles must be enabled by an admin user before they can login. After entering the user name and password, you are presented with the lunash:> prompt. The commands you are able to execute depends on the user account you logged in as, as detailed in LunaSH Command Summary in the LunaSH Command Reference Guide.

If you are logging in to the account for the first time, use the default password, as specified below. You are immediately prompted to change it.

Password defaults

Admin (appliance) default password

PASSWORD (via local serial link or via SSH)
Operator (appliance) default password PASSWORD (via local serial link or via SSH)
Monitor (appliance) default password PASSWORD (via local serial link or via SSH)
Audit (appliance) default password PASSWORD (via local serial link or via SSH)
Recover account (appliance) default password PASSWORD (accessed via local serial link only)
To login to the appliance:

1.At the login as: prompt, enter the name of the account you want to use. You are prompted for the password. The initial password is “PASSWORD”.

NOTE   You must login within two minutes of opening an administration session, or the connection will time out. The username and passwords are case-sensitive.

2.For security, you are immediately prompted to change the factory-default password. Passwords must be at least eight characters in length, and must include characters from at least three of the following four groups:

lowercase alphabetic (abcd...xyz)

uppercase alphabetic (ABCD...XYZ)

numeric (0123456789)

special (non-alphanumeric, -_!@#$%&*...)

NOTE   If you forget your password, you can use a local serial connection to login to the Recover account. See Forgotten Passwords/Lost Authentication.

After successful login, the HSM appliance presents a lunash:> prompt. Type ? or help and press Enter for a summary of the main commands. Type ? followed by any of the commands, with or without parameters, and press Enter to see a summary of sub-commands and parameters for that command.