LunaSH Command Summary

This section provides a summary of all of the LunaSH commands, and which users are able to access the commands.

The standard administrative users associated with the SafeNet appliance and HSM are as follows:

Admin Can to perform all possible commands (red, blue, or black in the table, below)
Operator Can perform a subset of commands, including some that affect the state of the appliance or its HSM (blue or black in the table below)
Monitor Can perform observational commands only, but cannot affect the state or contents of the appliance or its HSM (black-only in the table below)

When you log into the appliance as one of the standard roles, you are able to see and use the subset of commands listed in the relevant column below. If you create additional named roles on the SafeNet appliance, they have the same command access as their equivalent standard-named role. You can also create custom user roles and specify the list of commands that user role is able to access (see Custom User Roles.

The following table lists, by category, the commands that each role can use:

Admin Operator Monitor









client assignpartition

client delete

client fingerprint

client hostip map

client hostip show

client hostip unmap

client list

client register

client revokepartition

client show

client assignpartition

client delete

client fingerprint

client hostip map

client hostip show

client hostip unmap

client list

client register

client revokepartition

client show





client hostip show


client list



client show


hsm backup

hsm changepolicy

hsm changepw

hsm checkcertificates

hsm displaylicenses

hsm factoryreset

hsm firmware rollback

hsm firmware show

hsm firmware upgrade

hsm generateDAK

hsm information monitor

hsm information reset

hsm information show

hsm init

hsm loadcustomercert

hsm login

hsm logout


hsm ped connect

hsm ped deselect

hsm ped disconnect

hsm ped select

hsm ped show

hsm ped server delete

hsm ped server register

hsm ped server list

hsm ped set

hsm ped timeout set

hsm ped timeout show

hsm ped vector erase

hsm ped vector init


hsm restore

hsm selftest

hsm setlegacydomain

hsm show

hsm showpolicies


hsm stc activationtimeout set

hsm stc activationtimeout show

hsm stc cipher disable

hsm stc cipher enable

hsm stc cipher show

hsm stc disable

hsm stc enable

hsm stc hmac disable

hsm stc hmac enable

hsm stc hmac show

hsm stc identity create

hsm stc identity delete

hsm stc identity initialize

hsm stc identity partition deregister

hsm stc identity partition register

hsm stc identity show

hsm stc partition export

hsm stc partition show

hsm stc rekeythreshold set

hsm stc rekeythreshold show

hsm stc status


hsm stm recover

hsm stm show

hsm stm transport


hsm supportinfo

hsm tamper clear

hsm tamper show

hsm update show

hsm update capability

hsm zeroize

hsm backup



hsm checkcertificates

hsm displaylicenses


hsm firmware rollback

hsm firmware show

hsm firmware upgrade

hsm generateDAK

hsm information monitor

hsm information reset

hsm information show


hsm loadcustomercert

hsm login

hsm logout


hsm ped connect

hsm ped deselect

hsm ped disconnect

hsm ped select

hsm ped show



hsm ped server list


hsm ped timeout set

hsm ped timeout show




hsm restore

hsm selftest


hsm show

hsm showpolicies


hsm stc activationtimeout set

hsm stc activationtimeout show

hsm stc cipher disable

hsm stc cipher enable

hsm stc cipher show

hsm stc disable

hsm stc enable

hsm stc hmac disable

hsm stc hmac enable

hsm stc hmac show

hsm stc identity create

hsm stc identity delete

hsm stc identity initialize

hsm stc identity partition deregister

hsm stc identity partition register

hsm stc identity show

hsm stc partition export

hsm stc partition show

hsm stc rekeythreshold set

hsm stc rekeythreshold show

hsm stc status


hsm stm recover

hsm stm show

hsm stm transport


hsm supportinfo


hsm tamper show

hsm update show

hsm update capability





hsm checkcertificates

hsm displaylicenses



hsm firmware show



hsm information monitor


hsm information show










hsm ped show



hsm ped server list



hsm ped timeout show





hsm selftest


hsm show

hsm showpolicies






















hsm stc status



hsm stm show



hsm supportinfo


hsm tamper show





my file clear

my file delete

my file list

my password expiry show

my password set

my public-key add

my public-key clear

my public-key delete

my public-key list

my file clear

my file delete

my file list

my password expiry show

my password set

my public-key add

my public-key clear

my public-key delete

my public-key list

my file clear

my file delete

my file list

my password expiry show

my password set

my public-key add

my public-key clear

my public-key delete

my public-key list


network hostname


network dns add nameserver

network dns add searchdomain

network dns delete nameserver

network dns delete searchdomain


network interface bonding config

network interface bonding disable

network interface bonding enable

network interface bonding show

network interface delete

network interface dhcp

network interface slaac

network interface static


network ping


network route add

network route clear

network route delete

network route show

network route show


network show

network hostname


network dns add nameserver

network dns add searchdomain

network dns delete nameserver

network dns delete searchdomain


network interface bonding config

network interface bonding disable

network interface bonding enable

network interface bonding show

network interface delete

network interface dhcp

network interface slaac

network interface static


network ping


network route add

network route clear

network route delete

network route show

network route show


network show











network interface bonding show






network ping






network route show


network show


ntls bind


ntls certificate monitor enable

ntls certificate monitor disable

ntls certificate monitor show

ntls certificate monitor trap trigger

ntls certificate show


ntls information reset

ntls information show


ntls ipcheck disable

ntls ipcheck enable

ntls ipcheck show


ntls show


ntls tcp_keepalive set

ntls tcp_keepalive show


ntls threads set

ntls threads show


ntls timer set

ntls timer show

ntls bind


ntls certificate monitor enable

ntls certificate monitor disable

ntls certificate monitor show

ntls certificate monitor trap trigger

ntls certificate show


ntls information reset

ntls information show


ntls ipcheck disable

ntls ipcheck enable

ntls ipcheck show


ntls show


ntls tcp_keepalive set

ntls tcp_keepalive show


ntls threads set

ntls threads show


ntls timer set

ntls timer show





ntls certificate monitor show


ntls certificate show



ntls information show




ntls ipcheck show


ntls show



ntls tcp_keepalive show



ntls threads show



ntls timer show


package deletefile

package erase

package list

package listfile

package update

package verify

package deletefile

package erase

package list

package listfile

package update

package verify



package list

package listfile




partition create

partition backup

partition delete

partition list

partition resize

partition restore

partition show

partition create

partition backup

partition delete

partition list

partition resize

partition restore

partition show




partition list



partition show


service list

service restart

service start

service status

service stop

service list

service restart

service start

service status

service stop

service list



service status



status cpu

status date

status disk

status handles

status interface

status mac

status mem

status memmap

status netstat

status ps

status sensors

status sysstat code

status sysstat show

status time

status zone

status cpu

status date

status disk

status handles

status interface

status mac

status mem

status memmap

status netstat

status ps

status sensors

status sysstat code

status sysstat show

status time

status zone

status cpu

status date

status disk

status handles

status interface

status mac

status mem

status memmap

status netstat

status ps

status sensors

status sysstat code

status sysstat show

status time

status zone


stc activationtimeout set

stc activationtimeout show

stc cipher enable

stc cipher disable

stc cipher show

stc hmac enable

stc hmac disable

stc hmac show

stc partition export

stc partition show

stc rekeythreshold set

stc rekeythreshold show

stc activationtimeout set

stc activationtimeout show

stc cipher enable

stc cipher disable

stc cipher show

stc hmac enable

stc hmac disable

stc hmac show

stc partition export

stc partition show

stc rekeythreshold set

stc rekeythreshold show


stc activationtimeout show



stc cipher show



stc hmac show


stc partition show


stc rekeythreshold show


sysconf appliance hardreboot

sysconf appliance poweroff

sysconf appliance reboot

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic disable

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic enable

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic show


sysconf banner add

sysconf banner clear


sysconf config backup

sysconf config clear

sysconf config delete

sysconf config export

sysconf config factoryreset

sysconf config import

sysconf config list

sysconf config restore

sysconf config show


sysconf drift init

sysconf drift reset

sysconf drift set

sysconf drift startmeasure

sysconf drift status

sysconf drift stopmeasure


sysconf fingerprint license

sysconf fingerprint ntls

sysconf fingerprint ssh


sysconf forcesologin enable

sysconf forcesologin disable

sysconf forcesologin show


sysconf license apply

sysconf license list

sysconf license revoke


sysconf ntp addserver

sysconf ntp autokeyauth clear

sysconf ntp autokeyauth generate

sysconf ntp autokeyauth list

sysconf ntp autokeyauth install

sysconf ntp autokeyauth update

sysconf ntp deleteserver

sysconf ntp enable

sysconf ntp disable

sysconf ntp listservers

sysconf ntp log tail

sysconf ntp ntpdate

sysconf ntp show

sysconf ntp status

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key add

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key clear

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key delete

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key list

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys add

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys clear

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys delete

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys list


sysconf radius addserver

sysconf radius deleteserver

sysconf radius disable

sysconf radius enable

sysconf radius show


sysconf regencert


sysconf snmp enable

sysconf snmp disable

sysconf snmp notification add

sysconf snmp notification clear

sysconf snmp notification delete

sysconf snmp notification list

sysconf snmp show

sysconf snmp trap clear

sysconf snmp trap enable

sysconf snmp trap disable

sysconf snmp trap set

sysconf snmp trap show

sysconf snmp trap test

sysconf snmp user add

sysconf snmp user clear

sysconf snmp user delete

sysconf snmp user list


sysconf ssh device

sysconf ssh ip

sysconf ssh password disable

sysconf ssh password enable

sysconf ssh port

sysconf ssh publickey disable

sysconf ssh publickey enable

sysconf ssh regenkeypair

sysconf ssh show


sysconf time


sysconf timezone list

sysconf timezone set

sysconf timezone show


sysconf appliance poweroff

sysconf appliance reboot

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic disable

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic enable

sysconf appliance rebootonpanic show











sysconf config list


sysconf config show


sysconf drift init

sysconf drift reset

sysconf drift set

sysconf drift startmeasure

sysconf drift status

sysconf drift stopmeasure


sysconf fingerprint license

sysconf fingerprint ntls

sysconf fingerprint ssh







sysconf license list



sysconf ntp addserver

sysconf ntp autokeyauth clear

sysconf ntp autokeyauth generate

sysconf ntp autokeyauth list

sysconf ntp autokeyauth install

sysconf ntp autokeyauth update

sysconf ntp deleteserver

sysconf ntp enable

sysconf ntp disable

sysconf ntp listservers

sysconf ntp log tail

sysconf ntp ntpdate

sysconf ntp show

sysconf ntp status

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key add

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key clear

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key delete

sysconf ntp symmetricauth key list

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys add

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys clear

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys delete

sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys list










sysconf snmp enable

sysconf snmp disable

sysconf snmp notification add

sysconf snmp notification clear

sysconf snmp notification delete

sysconf snmp notification list

sysconf snmp show

sysconf snmp trap clear

sysconf snmp trap enable

sysconf snmp trap disable

sysconf snmp trap set

sysconf snmp trap show

sysconf snmp trap test

sysconf snmp user add

sysconf snmp user clear

sysconf snmp user delete

sysconf snmp user list


sysconf ssh device

sysconf ssh ip

sysconf ssh password disable

sysconf ssh password enable


sysconf ssh publickey disable

sysconf ssh publickey enable

sysconf ssh regenkeypair

sysconf ssh show


sysconf time


sysconf timezone list

sysconf timezone set

sysconf timezone show






sysconf appliance rebootonpanic show











sysconf config list


sysconf config show






sysconf drift status



sysconf fingerprint license

sysconf fingerprint ntls

sysconf fingerprint ssh







sysconf license list












sysconf ntp listservers



sysconf ntp show

sysconf ntp status




sysconf ntp symmetricauth key list




sysconf ntp symmetricauth trustedkeys list















sysconf snmp notification list

sysconf snmp show





sysconf snmp trap show





sysconf snmp user list










sysconf ssh show




sysconf timezone list


sysconf timezone show


syslog cleanup

syslog export

syslog period

syslog remotehost add

syslog remotehost clear

syslog remotehost delete

syslog remotehost list

syslog rotations

syslog rotate

syslog severity set

syslog show

syslog tail

syslog tarlogs


syslog export

syslog period

syslog remotehost add

syslog remotehost clear

syslog remotehost delete

syslog remotehost list

syslog rotations

syslog rotate


syslog show

syslog tail

syslog tarlogs











syslog show

syslog tail

syslog tarlogs


token backup factoryreset

token backup init

token backup list

token backup login

token backup logout

token backup partition delete

token backup partition list

token backup partition show

token backup show

token backup update capability

token backup update firmware

token backup update show


token pki activate

token pki changepin

token pki clone

token pki deploy

token pki factoryreset

token pki listall

token pki listdeployed

token pki predeploy

token pki resetpin

token pki undeploy

token pki update capability

token pki update firmware

token pki update login

token pki update logout

token pki update show

token backup factoryreset

token backup init

token backup list

token backup login

token backup logout

token backup partition delete

token backup partition list

token backup partition show

token backup show

token backup update capability

token backup update firmware

token backup update show


token pki activate

token pki changepin

token pki clone

token pki deploy

token pki factoryreset

token pki listall

token pki listdeployed

token pki predeploy

token pki resetpin

token pki undeploy

token pki update capability

token pki update firmware

token pki update login

token pki update logout

token pki update show



token backup list




token backup partition list

token backup partition show

token backup show



token backup update show







token pki listall

token pki listdeployed








token pki update show


user add

user delete

user disable

user enable

user list

user password

user radiusadd

user role add

user role clear

user role delete

user role import

user role list

user role remove