vtl backup delete


vtl backup delete  


vtl backup delete -target <slot# or label> -partition <backupHSM partitionname>


This command is used remotely to delete backed-up SafeNet Luna Network HSM partition contents from a specified slot or labeled partition on a backup HSM.

See also:

>vtl backup

>vtl backup restore

>vtl backup append

>vtl backup token


-target <slot # or label>  [mandatory] The slot number or the label of the target HSM. Do NOT use a numeral as the first character in a slot label. The command looks for a slot number first, and any numeral it sees is interpreted as a slot number.

-partition <backup partition name> [mandatory] The  name of the target partition on the Backup HSM.


\LunaSA>vtl backup delete -t mylunabackup -p mylunapar1
*** Are you sure you want to delete mylunapar1 partition? [yes/no]: yes
Luna PED operation required to login to mylunabackup - use Security Officer (blue) PED key  
Partition 'mylunapar1' deleted.