vtl backup append


vtl backup append


vtl backup append -source <slot# or label> -p <source password> -target <slot# or label> -partition <backupHSM partitionname> -r <backupHSM SO password> -u <backup partition user password>


This command is used remotely to back up SafeNet Luna Network HSM partition contents to a specified slot or labeled partition on a backup HSM.

See also:  

>vtl backup

>vtl backup restore

>vtl backup delete

>vtl backup token

If you wish to preserve objects already on the target partition, then use vtl backup append to add the objects from the source to those already on the target.

If you wish your cloned objects to overwrite any objects already on the target slot, then use vtl backup (without the append sub-command).

If you wish to back up your SafeNet Luna Network HSM partition to a SafeNet Luna Backup HSM that is connected locally to the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance, then use the token backup commands in LunaSH instead.  


-source <slot # or label>  [mandatory] The slot number or the label of the source HSM. Do NOT use a numeral as the first character in a slot label. The command looks for a slot number first, and any numeral it sees is interpreted as a slot number.

-p <source password>  source user password, if needed

-target <slot # or label>  [mandatory] The slot number or the label of the target HSM. Do NOT use a numeral as the first character in a slot label. The command looks for a slot number first, and any numeral it sees is interpreted as a slot number.

-partition <backup partition name> [mandatory] The  name of the target partition on the Backup HSM.

-r <backup HSM SO password>  The SO password of the Backup HSM, needed for password-authenticated HSMs only - ignored for PED-authenticated HSMs.

-u <backup HSM User password>  The User password of the Backup HSM partition, needed for password-authenticated HSMs only - ignored for PED-authenticated HSMs.


bash # ./vtl backup append 
 -source 5 -target 1 -partition bck1     
Container 'bck1' already exist on G5backup2.. 
Luna PED operation required to login to p1 - use User or Partition Owner (black) PED key  
Please enter the secret challenge: userpin  
Luna PED operation required to login to G5backup2 - use Security Officer (blue) PED key  

Luna PED operation required to login to G5backup2 - use User or Partition Owner (black) PED key  
Luna PED operation required to set legacy cloning domain - use Domain (red) PED key.  

Luna PED operation required to login to G5backup2 - use User or Partition Owner (black) PED key  
25 objects found on p1/ (slot #5). 
21 objects found on G5backup2 (slot #1).
Cloning object 21 - success 
Cloning object 22 - success
Cloning object 23 - success
Cloning object 24 - success
4 objects successfully backed up.
bash #.