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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > partition > partition changeLabel

partition changelabel

This command can be run by the PSO, and changes the partition label on a Per-Partition SO partition (PPSO).

This command is the complement of partition rename command in Luna Shell on SafeNet Network HSMs. The partition rename command can change the names and labels of legacy partitions on the appliance HSM, but the label for a PPSO partition is not created until that partition is initialized by the Partition SO on a connected client, in lunacm. This command gives the PSO the option to rename the partition without re-initializing.


partition changelabel [-slot <number>] -label <string> [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot -s   Slot of partition on which to change the label. Optional. If a slot is not specified, the command attempts to change the label of the partition in the current slot.
-label -l   Specifies the new label for the indicated partition (PSO partitions only). Mandatory.
-force   -f   Force the action. Useful for scripting.


lunacm:>role login -n Partition SO

Please attend to the PED.

Command Result : No Error 

lunacm:>par changeLabel -slot 3 -label newlbl -force

Command Result : No Error 

lunacm:>par showinfo

Partition Label -> newlbl 
 Partition Manufacturer -> SafeNet Inc. 
 Partition Model -> Luna K6 
 Partition Serial Number -> 2328328 
 Partition Status -> OK 
 HSM Certificates -> *** Test Certs ***
 HSM Part Number -> Not Available
 Token Flags -> 
 RPV Initialized -> No
 Slot Id -> 3
 Session State -> CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS
 Role Status -> Partition SO logged in
 Token Flags -> 
 Partition OUID: 110000001f00000001000000

Partition Storage:
 Total Storage Space: 95537 
 Used Storage Space: 248 
 Free Storage Space: 95289 
 Object Count: 2 
 Overhead: 9320 
*** The partition is in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. ***

Command Result : No Error